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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, H, K and Y

ASHKEYSASHKEY n. the winged fruit of the ash tree.
BASHLYKbashlyk n. A protective cone-shaped hood with lappets for wrapping around the neck, used especially by Turks and Cossacks.
BASHLYK n. (Russian) a long Russian hood, also BASHLIK.
CHYACKSchyacks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of chyack.
CHYACK v. (Australian slang) to tease, deride, also CHIACK.
HACKERYhackery n. (Obsolete) A two-wheeled cart used in Asia.
hackery n. (Slang, chiefly derogatory) Advocacy of a position when motivated by political allegiance, public relations…
hackery n. (Slang, computing) The use of hacks (ingenious but inelegant techniques).
HACKNEYhackney n. (Archaic) An ordinary horse.
hackney n. A carriage for hire or a cab.
hackney n. A horse used to ride or drive.
HAWKEYShawkeys n. Plural of hawkey.
Hawkeys prop.n. Plural of Hawkey.
HAWKEY n. harvest-home, the harvest supper, also HORKEY.
HAYCOCKhaycock n. A small, conical stack of hay left in a field to dry before adding to a haystack.
Haycock prop.n. A surname.
hay-cock n. A small conical pile of hay, or a heap of hay thrown up in a hayfield while the hay is being cured or…
HAYFORKhayfork n. A tool used for moving hay; a pitchfork.
Hayfork prop.n. A census-designated place in Trinity County, California, United States.
HAYFORK n. a tool for pitching hay.
HAYRACKhayrack n. A freestanding vertical drying-rack for animal fodder.
HAYRACK n. a frame used in hauling hay.
HAYRAKEhayrake n. A rake for collecting hay; especially, a large rake drawn by a horse or horses.
hayrake v. To collect hay with a rake of this kind.
HAYRAKE n. a large rake for collecting hay.
HAYRICKhayrick n. A haystack.
HAYRICK n. a haystack.
KHAYALSKHAYAL n. (Urdu) a kind of classical Indian vocal music.
KUFIYAHkufiyah n. Alternative form of keffiyeh.
KUFIYAH n. (Arabic) an Arab headdress, also KAFFIYAH, KAFFIYEH, KEFFIYAH, KEFFIYEH.
SAKIYEHsakiyeh n. Alternative spelling of sakia.
SAKIYEH n. (Arabic) an Eastern waterwheel, also SAKIA, SAKIEH.
SHAKILYshakily adv. In a shaky manner.
SHAKY adv. shaking.
SHAYKHSshaykhs n. Plural of shaykh.
SHAYKH n. (Arabic) an Arab chief, also SHAIKH, SHEIK, SHEIKH.
YAKHDANyakhdan n. A leather basket or trunk formerly used in the Middle East.
YAKHDAN n. (Persian) a box used for carrying ice on the back of a pack animal.
YASHMAKyashmak n. A veil worn by Muslim women to cover parts of the face when they are in public.
YASHMAK n. (Arabic) a double Muslim veil leaving only eyes uncovered, also YASHMAC, YASMAK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 130 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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