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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing A, H, J and N

BHAJANSbhajans n. Plural of bhajan.
BHAJAN n. a Hindu religious song.
GANJAHSGANJAH n. (Hindi) cannabis used for smoking, also GANJA.
HANDJARhandjar n. A Turkish dagger.
HANDJAR n. (Persian) a Persian dagger, also HANJAR, KHANJAR.
HANDJOBhandjob n. Alternative spelling of hand job.
hand␣job n. (Slang) The act of stimulating someone’s penis or scrotum by someone else’s hand.
HANDJOB n. (vulgar) an act of manually stimulating the penis of another person.
HANJARShanjars n. Plural of hanjar.
HANJAR n. (Persian) a Persian dagger, also HANDJAR, KHANJAR.
HARIJANHarijan n. (Derogatory) Synonym of Dalit.
HARIJAN n. (Sanskrit) in India, a member of the untouchable caste.
JACINTHjacinth n. A translucent, reddish type of zircon used as a gemstone; a hyacinth.
Jacinth prop.n. A female given name.
JACINTH n. a variety of zircon.
KHANJARkhanjar n. A kind of dagger used in certain Arabian countries.
KHANJAR n. (Persian) a Persian dagger, also HANDJAR, HANJAR.
MAHJONGmahjong n. A game (originally Chinese) for four players, using a collection of tiles divided into five or six suits.
mahjong n. A solitaire game using the same tiles, where the player wins by removing pairs of matching exposed tiles…
mah-jong n. Alternative spelling of mahjong.
RHANJASRHANJA n. (Hinglish) a male lover.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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