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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 16 seven-letter words containing A, 2H and L

CHALAHSchalahs n. Plural of chalah.
CHALAH n. (Hebrew) a loaf of white leavened bread, often plaited in form, traditionally baked to celebrate the Jewish Sabbath, also CHALEH, CHALLA, CHALLAH, HALLAH.
CHALEHSchalehs n. Plural of chaleh.
CHALEH n. (Hebrew) a loaf of white leavened bread, often plaited in form, traditionally baked to celebrate the Jewish Sabbath, also CHALAH, CHALLA, CHALLAH, HALLAH.
CHALLAHchallah n. (Countable) A traditional bread eaten by Ashkenazi Jews, usually braided for the Sabbath and round for a yom tov.
challah n. (Uncountable) The commandment to separate a portion of bread or bread dough for the cohanim (Numbers…
challah n. (Countable) The portion separated in fulfillment of the above.
CHALOTHchaloth n. Plural of chalah.
CHALAH n. (Hebrew) a loaf of white leavened bread, often plaited in form, traditionally baked to celebrate the Jewish Sabbath, also CHALEH, CHALLA, CHALLAH, HALLAH.
HALACHAhalacha n. Alternative letter-case form of Halacha.
Halacha n. A law or tradition by which Jews live. They are derived from the Torah and from later rabbinic literature.
Halacha n. A law or tradition established by the Halacha.
HALAKAHhalakah n. Alternative form of halakha.
HALAKAH n. (Hebrew) the legal part of the Talmud, also HALACHA, HALAKHA, HALAKHAH.
HALAKHAhalakha n. Alternative spelling of Halacha.
HALAKHA n. (Hebrew) the legal part of the Talmud, also HALACHA, HALAKAH, HALAKHAH.
HALALAHhalalah n. Alternative form of halala.
HALALAH n. (Arabic) a Saudi Arabian coin, also HALALA.
HALAVAHHALAVAH n. (Yiddish) a sweetmeat, originally Turkish, containing sesame seeds, honey, nuts and saffron, also HALVA, HALVAH.
HALLAHShallahs n. Plural of hallah.
HALLAH n. (Hebrew) a loaf of white leavened bread, often plaited in form, traditionally baked to celebrate the Jewish Sabbath, also CHALAH, CHALEH, CHALLA, CHALLAH.
HALLOTHhalloth n. Plural of hallah.
HALLAH n. (Hebrew) a loaf of white leavened bread, often plaited in form, traditionally baked to celebrate the Jewish Sabbath, also CHALAH, CHALEH, CHALLA, CHALLAH.
HALVAHShalvahs n. Plural of halvah.
HALVAH n. (Yiddish) a Turkish confection, also HALVA, HALAVAH.
HARSHLYharshly adv. In a harsh manner; severely.
HARSH adv. severe.
HATCHELhatchel n. A comb used to separate flax fibres.
hatchel v. (Transitive) To separate (flax fibers) with a hatchel, or comb.
HATCHEL v. to separate flax fibres with a comb, also HACKLE, HECKLE.
HEALTHShealths n. Plural of health.
HEALTH n. sound physical or mental condition.
HEALTHYhealthy adj. Enjoying good health; well; free from disease or disorder.
healthy adj. Conducive to health.
healthy adj. Evincing health.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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