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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, G, T and V

GAVOTTEgavotte n. A French dance, in either 4/4 or 2/2 time.
gavotte v. To perform this dance.
GAVOTTE n. (French) a kind of French country dance, also GAVOT.
GRAVESTgravest adj. Superlative form of grave: most grave.
gravest v. (Archaic) second-person singular simple present form of grave.
GRAVE adj. extremely serious.
GRAVITYgravity n. The state or condition of having weight; weight; heaviness.
gravity n. The state or condition of being grave; seriousness.
gravity n. (Music) The lowness of a note.
OUTGAVEoutgave v. Simple past tense of outgive.
OUTGIVE v. to give more than.
OVATINGOVATE v. to receive with an ovation.
STAVINGstaving v. Present participle of stave.
staving n. A casing or lining of staves, especially one encircling a water wheel.
STAVE v. to drive or thrust away.
VAGITUSvagitus n. The crying of a newborn baby.
VAGITUS n. (Latin) a cry or wail.
VAGRANTvagrant n. (Dated) A person who wanders from place to place; a nomad, a wanderer.
vagrant n. (Specifically) A person without settled employment or habitation who usually supports himself or herself…
vagrant n. Vagrans egista, a widely distributed Asian butterfly of the family Nymphalidae.
VAGUESTvaguest adj. Superlative form of vague: most vague.
VAGUE adj. indeterminate.
VANTAGEvantage n. (Archaic) An advantage.
vantage n. A place or position affording a good view; a vantage point.
vantage n. A superior or more favorable situation or opportunity; gain; profit; advantage.
VATTINGvatting v. Present participle of vat.
VAT v. to put into a large container for holding liquids.
VAUTINGvauting v. Present participle of vaut.
VAUTE v. (obsolete) to vault, also VAUT, VAWTE.
VAWTINGVAWTE v. (obsolete) to vault, also VAUT, VAUTE.
VEGETALvegetal adj. (Now rare, historical) Capable of growth and reproduction, but not feeling or reason (often opposed…
vegetal adj. Pertaining to vegetables or plants.
vegetal adj. (Wine) Having a grassy, herbaceous taste.
VENTAGEventage n. (Countable) A puff of air coming through a hole in a wind instrument.
ventage n. Venting (the act by which something is vented).
VENTAGE n. (Shakespeare) a fingerhole, as in a flute, also VENTIGE.
VINTAGEvintage n. The yield of grapes or wine from a vineyard or district during one season.
vintage n. Wine, especially high-quality, identified as to year and vineyard or district of origin.
vintage n. The harvesting of a grape crop and the initial pressing of juice for winemaking.
VIRGATEvirgate n. (Historical) The yardland: an obsolete English land measure usually comprising 14 of a hide and notionally…
virgate adj. Rod-shaped: straight, long, and thin, (particularly botany) the habitus of plants with straight, erect branches.
virgate adj. (Mycology) Finely striped, often with dark fibers.
VITRAGEvitrage n. A curtain of light translucent material intended to be secured directly to the woodwork of a French…
VITRAGE n. (French) a thin curtain for windows or glazed doors.
VOLTAGEvoltage n. (Electricity) The difference in electrostatic potential between two points in space, especially between…
VOLTAGE n. electromotive force expressed in volts.
VULGATEvulgate adj. (Archaic) Made common, published for common use, vulgarized.
vulgate adj. (Of a text, especially the Bible, not comparable) In or pertaining to the common version or edition.
vulgate n. The vernacular language of a people.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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