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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, G, H and Y

AHUNGRYahungry adj. Hungry (for).
AHUNGRY adj. (archaic) oppressed with hunger, also AHUNGERED, ANHUNGERED, ANHUNGRED.
GHASTLYghastly adj. Like a ghost in appearance; death-like; pale; pallid; dismal.
ghastly adj. Horrifyingly shocking.
ghastly adj. Extremely bad.
GRAYHENGRAYHEN n. the female of the blackcock, also GREYHEN.
GRAYISHgrayish adj. Somewhat gray.
GRAYISH adj. somewhat gray, also GREYISH.
GUNYAHSgunyahs n. Plural of gunyah.
GUNYAH n. (Native Australian) an Australian aborigine's hut.
GYTRASHgytrash n. (Mythology) A legendary black dog (or sometimes a horse or mule) said to haunt lonely roads in northern…
GYTRASH n. (dialect) a ghost or apparition.
HAUGHTYhaughty adj. Conveying in demeanour the assumption of superiority; disdainful, supercilious.
HAUGHTY adj. arrogant.
HAYINGShayings n. Plural of haying.
HAYING n. the season for harvesting hay.
HAYLAGEhaylage n. (Agriculture) A type of silage with a high dry-matter content, made from the same grasses or legumes…
HAYLAGE n. silage made from partially dried grass.
HIGHWAYhighway n. (Historical) A road that is higher than the surrounding land and has drainage ditches at the sides.
highway n. A main public road, especially a multi-lane, high-speed thoroughfare.
highway n. (Figurative) A way; a path that leads to a certain destiny.
HYGROMAhygroma n. A discrete, fluid-filled sac that can form on the joints of dogs or other animals in response to repeated pressure.
HYGROMA n. a watery swelling over a joint, e.g. water on the knee, also HYDROMA.
HYPOGEAhypogea n. Plural of hypogeum.
HYPOGEUM n. (Greek) an underground chamber, also HYPOGAEUM.
NAUGHTYnaughty adj. Mischievous; tending to misbehave or act badly (especially of a child).
naughty adj. Sexually provocative; now in weakened sense, risqué, cheeky.
naughty adj. (Now rare, archaic) Evil, wicked, morally reprehensible.
NYLGHAInylghai n. Alternative form of nilghai.
NYLGHAI n. (Hindi) a large antelope, also NILGAI, NILGAU, NILGHAI, NILGHAU, NYLGHAU.
NYLGHAUnylghau n. Alternative form of nilghai.
NYLGHAU n. (Hindi) a large antelope, also NILGAI, NILGAU, NILGHAI, NILGHAU, NYLGHAI.
PAUGHTYPAUGHTY adj. (Scots) haughty.
SAGATHYsagathy n. A fine twilled worsted fabric which was used formerly for clothes and curtains and is similar to serge.
SAGATHY n. a lightweight fabric.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 101 words
  • Scrabble in French: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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