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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, F, L and V

FAVELASfavelas n. Plural of favela.
Favelas prop.n. Plural of Favela.
FAVELA n. (Portuguese) a slum area, also FAVELLA.
FAVELLAfavella n. Alternative form of favela.
FAVELLA n. (Portuguese) a slum area, also FAVELA.
FAVRILEfavrile n. (Art) An iridescent form of Tiffany glass.
FAVRILE n. a type of iridescent glassware developed in America at the turn of the 20th century by L. C. Tiffany.
FLAVINEflavine n. Alternative spelling of flavin.
FLAVINE n. a yellow dye made from the bark of the dyer's oak, also FLAVIN.
FLAVINSflavins n. Plural of flavin.
FLAVIN n. a yellow dye made from the bark of the dyer's oak, also FLAVINE.
FLAVONEflavone n. (Organic chemistry) Any of a class of tricyclic aromatic heterocyclic ketones, especially the naturally…
FLAVONE n. a pigment derived from plants such as primrose.
FLAVORSflavors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flavor.
FLAVOR v. to impart a special taste to, also FLAVOUR.
FLAVORYflavory adj. Alternative form of flavoury.
FLAVORY adj. full of flavor, also FLAVOURY.
FLAVOURflavour n. British form standard spelling of flavor.
flavour v. British form standard spelling of flavor.
FLAVOUR v. to impart a special taste to, also FLAVOR.
FLUVIALfluvial adj. Of, pertaining to, inhabiting, or produced by the action of a river or stream.
FLUVIAL adj. of or relating to a river or stream.
FOVEOLAfoveola n. Alternative form of foveole (“small fovea or depression”).
foveola n. (Anatomy) The center of the fovea in the macula of the eye, approximately 0.35 mm in diameter, containing…
FOVEOLA n. (Latin) a small fovea, also FOVEOLE, FOVEOLET.
IVYLEAFivy-leaf n. The leaf of the ivy.
IVYLEAF adj. as in ivyleaf geranium, a geranium plant, with trailing leaves and white, pink, red, or violet flowers.
VASEFULvaseful n. As much as a vase will hold.
VASEFUL n. the contents of a vase.
VATFULSvatfuls n. Plural of vatful.
VATFUL n. as much as a vat can hold.
VIALFULvialful n. Enough to fill a vial.
VIALFUL n. as much as a vial can hold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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