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There are 18 seven-letter words containing A, F, I and P

AMPLIFYamplify v. (Transitive) To render larger, more extended, or more intense.
amplify v. (Transitive, rhetorical) To enlarge by addition or commenting; to treat copiously by adding particulars…
amplify v. (Transitive) To increase the amplitude of something, especially of an electric current.
CAPRIFYcaprify v. (Transitive) To pollinate (figs) by caprification.
CAPRIFY v. to cultivate the goat-fig.
FIREPANfirepan n. A pan for holding or conveying fire, especially the receptacle for the priming of a gun.
FIREPAN n. a metal vessel for holding a fire.
FLEAPITfleapit n. Alternative spelling of flea pit.
flea␣pit n. (Colloquial) A dilapidated building, stereotypically hosting a low-grade cinema.
FLEAPIT n. (slang) a low-class cinema.
FRAPINGfraping v. Present participle of frape.
FRAPE v. to alter the personal details on a social website without the owner's consent.
OPACIFYopacify v. (Transitive) To make opaque.
OPACIFY v. to make opaque.
PACIFICpacific adj. Calm, peaceful.
pacific adj. Preferring peace by nature; avoiding violence.
Pacific prop.n. The Pacific Ocean.
PAILFULpailful n. The amount that fills, or would fill, a pail.
PAILFUL n. as much as a pail can hold.
PAINFULpainful adj. Causing pain or distress, either physical or mental.
painful adj. Afflicted or suffering with pain (of a body part or, formerly, of a person).
painful adj. Requiring effort or labor; difficult, laborious.
PANFISHpanfish n. Any fish that is suitable for cooking in a frying pan by virtue of its size and taste.
PANFISH n. any small fish that can be fried whole.
PANFISH v. to fish for any small fish that can be fried whole.
PARFAITparfait n. A French parfait (parfait glacé), an iced dessert made with egg yolks, sugar, cream, and flavouring…
parfait n. An American parfait, a layered dessert often consisting of fruit, ice cream, pastries, whipped topping…
parfait n. (UK) A smooth pâté, usually made from liver and flavoured with liqueurs.
PIAFFEDpiaffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of piaffe.
PIAFFE v. (French) to perform a movement in horsemanship.
PIAFFERpiaffer n. A dressage movement in which a horse trots in a stationary position while using high lifting of the legs.
PIAFFER n. (French) a movement in horsemanship.
PIAFFESpiaffes n. Plural of piaffe.
piaffes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of piaffe.
PIAFFE v. (French) to perform a movement in horsemanship.
PIGFACEpigface n. Any of various mesembryanthemums of the genus Carpobrotus, native to coastal areas of Australia, and…
PIGFACE n. (Australian) a creeping succulent plant with brightly coloured flowers and red fruits.
PILAFFSpilaffs n. Plural of pilaff.
PILAFF n. (Persian) a dish made from seasoned rice and meat, also PELAU, PILAF, PILAO, PILAU, PILAW, PILLAU, PILOW, PULAO.
PINFALLpinfall n. (Wrestling, countable) A victorious maneuver in which both of an opponent’s shoulders are held against…
pinfall n. (Bowling) The number of pins toppled by a bowler or bowling team during a game, tournament, career…
PINFALL n. a wrestling fall which pins one's opponent.
PITFALLpitfall n. (Figurative) A potential, unsuspected, hidden problem, hazard, or danger that is easily encountered…
pitfall n. (Literally) A type of trap consisting of a concealed pit in the ground, which the victim is supposed…
pitfall n. (Computing) An antipattern.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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