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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing A, F and 2G

FADGINGfadging v. Present participle of fadge.
FADGE v. (archaic) to agree, hit it off.
FAGGINGfagging v. Present participle of fag.
fagging n. (UK, historical, education) The system in boarding schools whereby younger students acted as servants…
FAGGING n. the practice of a schoolboy doing menial tasks for another.
FAGGOTSfaggots n. Plural of faggot.
FAGGOT v. to bind together in a bundle, also FAGOT.
FANGINGfanging v. Present participle of fang.
FANG v. to seize in the teeth, also PHANG.
FLAGGEDflagged v. Simple past tense and past participle of flag.
flagged adj. Marked with a flag.
flagged adj. Registered with a particular country (and thus flying its flag).
FLAGGERflagger n. One who uses a flag or signal, as for example to direct traffic or to start a race.
FLAGGER n. a person who carries a flag before a traction-engine to warn of its approach.
FOGGAGEfoggage n. (UK, dialect) Dead or decaying grass remaining on land through the winter.
foggage v. To leave dead or decaying grass on land through the winter.
FOGGAGE n. (Scots) a grass that grows after the hay is cut.
FRAGGEDfragged v. Simple past tense and past participle of frag.
FRAG v. to kill with a fragmentation grenade.
GAFFINGgaffing v. Present participle of gaff.
gaffing n. The process of landing a fish with a gaff.
GAFFING n. the act of gambling.
MEGAFOGMEGAFOG n. a fog signal with megaphones pointing in several directions.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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