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There are 15 seven-letter words containing A, E, F and Z

ALFEREZalferez n. Alternative form of alférez.
Alferez prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
alférez n. (Military) In some Spanish-speaking countries, a junior-ranking officer in the military.
FAHLERZfahlerz n. (Mineralogy) fahlband.
FAHLERZ n. (German) an ore of copper, also FAHLORE.
FANZINEfanzine n. A magazine, normally produced by amateurs, intended for people who share a common interest.
FANZINE n. a magazine for fans.
FAZENDAfazenda n. A Brazilian plantation, often associated with slavery during the colonial period.
FAZENDA n. (Portuguese) a Brazilian plantation.
FEAZINGfeazing v. Present participle of feaze.
FILAZERfilazer n. Alternative form of filacer.
FILAZER n. an officer who files writs, also FILACER.
FRAWZEYFRAWZEY n. (dialect) a treat.
FRAZZLEfrazzle v. (Transitive) To fray or wear down, especially at the edges.
frazzle v. (Transitive) To drain emotionally or physically.
frazzle n. (Informal) A burnt fragment; a cinder or crisp.
GAZEFULgazeful adj. (Obsolete) Gazing.
GAZEFUL adj. (Spenser) looking intently.
HAFIZEShafizes n. Plural of hafiz.
Hafizes prop.n. Plural of Hafiz.
HAFIZ n. (Arabic) a Muslim who knows the Koran by heart.
MAZEFULmazeful adj. (Obsolete) Causing amazement; wonderful.
mazeful adj. Mazy.
mazeful n. A quantity that fills or forms a maze.
UNFAZEDunfazed adj. Not frightened or hesitant; undaunted; not put off.
unfazed adj. (Archaic) Undamaged.
UNFAZED adj. not fazed.
ZAFFERSzaffers n. Plural of zaffer.
ZAFFER n. (Italian) an impure oxide of cobalt, also ZAFFAR, ZAFFIR, ZAFFRE.
ZAFFRESzaffres n. Plural of zaffre.
ZAFFRE n. (Italian) an impure oxide of cobalt, also ZAFFAR, ZAFFER, ZAFFIR.
ZEALFULzealful adj. (Rare) Full of zeal.
ZEALFUL adj. full of enthusiasm.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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