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There are 16 seven-letter words containing A, D, N and X

ADNEXALadnexal adj. (Botany) Having the property of being adnexed.
adnexal adj. (Anatomy) Of, or relating to the adnexa.
ADNEXAL adj. relating to conjoined anatomical parts.
ANNEXEDannexed v. Simple past tense and past participle of annex.
ANNEX v. to join or attach.
BANDBOXbandbox n. A box of lightweight construction (e.g. cardboard, thin wood) for carrying hats or other apparel items.
bandbox n. A small baseball park conducive to scoring home runs.
BANDBOX n. a box for holding bands, caps, millinery etc.
DEXTRANdextran n. (Biochemistry) A biopolymer of glucose produced by enzymes of certain bacteria; used as a substitute…
DEXTRAN n. a substitute for blood plasma.
DIAXONSdiaxons n. Plural of diaxon.
DIAXON n. a bipolar nerve-cell.
DIOXANEdioxane n. (Chemistry) Any of a class of six-membered, saturated heterocycles having four carbon atoms and two…
DIOXANE n. a toxic flammable solvent, also DIOXAN.
DIOXANSDIOXAN n. a toxic flammable solvent, also DIOXANE.
EXPANDSexpands v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of expand.
EXPAND v. to increase in size or volume.
HANDAXEhandaxe n. Alternative form of hand axe.
hand␣axe n. A stone tool made by flaking to produce an edge, used without a handle.
hand␣axe n. (Fantasy, role-playing games) A hatchet or throwing axe.
INDEXALindexal adj. Synonym of indexical.
INDEXAL adj. of or like an index.
OXIDANToxidant n. An oxidizing agent.
OXIDANT n. an oxidizing agent.
OXLANDSoxlands n. Plural of oxland.
OXLAND n. as much land as one ox could plough, also OXGANG, OXGATE.
SANDBOXsandbox n. (US) A children’s play area consisting of a box filled with sand.
sandbox n. A box filled with sand that is shaped to form a mould for metal casting.
sandbox n. A container for sand or pounce, used historically before blotting paper.
SPANDEXspandex n. A synthetic fibre known for its exceptional elasticity.
spandex n. Clothing made from such material.
SPANDEX n. (tradename) a synthetic elastic fibre.
UNTAXEDuntaxed adj. Not subject to being taxed.
untaxed adj. Not having had the required taxes paid on it.
untaxed adj. Not tired or strained, working well within capacity.
UNWAXEDunwaxed adj. Not waxed.
unwaxed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unwax.
UNWAXED adj. not waxed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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