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There are 20 seven-letter words containing A, D, F and H

CHAFFEDchaffed v. Simple past tense and past participle of chaff.
CHAFF v. to poke fun at.
CHAUFEDCHAUFE v. (Spenser) to chafe.
DEAFISHdeafish adj. Somewhat deaf.
DEAFISH adj. somewhat deaf.
FADDISHfaddish adj. Being or relating to a fad; trendy.
FADDISH adj. inclined to take up fads, also FADDY.
FAITHEDfaithed adj. (Obsolete) Having faith or a faith; honest; sincere.
faithed adj. Having faith of a specified quality or type.
FAITH v. to believe or trust.
FATHEADfathead n. (Derogatory) An idiot; a fool.
fathead n. A cyprinid fish of the Mississippi valley, Pimephales promelas, the black-headed minnow.
fathead n. A labroid food fish of California; the California sheephead. Semicossyphus pulcher.
FLASHEDflashed v. Simple past tense and past participle of flash.
FLASH v. to shine briefly.
FLEADHSfleadhs n. Plural of fleadh.
FLEADH n. (Irish) a festival of Irish traditional music, dancing, etc.
FLYHANDFLYHAND n. a device for transferring printed sheets from the presses to a flat pile.
HANDFEDhandfed adj. (Of an animal or machine) Fed by hand.
handfed v. Simple past tense and past participle of handfeed.
HANDFEED v. to feed with the hand.
HANDFULhandful n. The amount that a hand will grasp or contain.
handful n. (Obsolete) A hand’s breadth; four inches.
handful n. A small number, usually approximately five.
HANDOFFhandoff n. Alternative form of hand-off.
hand-off n. (American football) A pass made in a backward direction.
hand-off n. (Aviation) The transfer of the radar identification of an aircraft from one controller to another when…
HEADFULheadful n. An amount of information, emotion, etc. present in the mind.
headful adj. (Genetics) That fills the head of a phage.
HEADFUL n. the contents of a head; a great amount of knowledge.
OFFHANDoffhand adj. Without planning or thinking ahead.
offhand adj. Careless; without sufficient thought or consideration.
offhand adj. Curt, abrupt, unfriendly.
SHADFLYshadfly n. Mayfly.
SHADFLY n. the mayfly.
SHADOOFshadoof n. A device used to gather water, consisting of a pivoted stick with a bucket on the end of it.
SHADOOF n. (Arabic) a machine, resembling a well sweep, used in Egypt for raising water from the Nile for irrigation, also SHADUF.
SHADUFSshadufs n. Plural of shaduf.
SHADUF n. (Arabic) a machine, resembling a well sweep, used in Egypt for raising water from the Nile for irrigation, also SHADOOF.
SHAFTEDshafted v. Simple past tense and past participle of shaft.
shafted adj. Fitted with a shaft.
shafted adj. (Heraldry, of a spear) Having a shaft and head of different tinctures.
SHEAFEDsheafed v. Simple past tense and past participle of sheaf.
SHEAF v. to gather into a bundle, also SHEAVE.
WHARFEDwharfed v. Simple past tense and past participle of wharf.
WHARF v. to place on a wharf; to strengthen by the building of a wharf.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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