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There are 12 seven-letter words containing A, C, V and Y

ANCHOVYanchovy n. Any small saltwater fish of the Engraulidae family, consisting of 160 species in 16 genera, of which…
ANCHOVY n. a small edible Mediterranean fish of the herring family.
CALVARYcalvary n. A life-size representation of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on a piece of raised ground.
calvary n. A series of representations of Christ’s Passion in a church.
calvary n. A type of monumental public Christian cross, sometimes encased in an open shrine.
CARVERYcarvery n. A restaurant specializing in roast meat, particularly roast beef and Sunday roasts.
carvery n. The station within a buffet where such food is served.
carvery n. A meal consisting of such food.
CAVALLYcavally n. Caranx hippos, a carangoid fish of the Atlantic coast.
CAVALLY n. (Portuguese) a large food fish, also CAVALLA.
CAVALRYcavalry n. (Military, uncountable) The military arm of service that fights while riding horses.
cavalry n. (Military, countable) An individual unit of the cavalry arm of service.
cavalry n. (Military, countable) The branch of the military transported by fast light vehicles, also known as mechanized cavalry.
PRIVACYprivacy n. (Uncountable) The state of being secluded from the presence, sight, or knowledge of others.
privacy n. (Uncountable) Freedom from unwanted or undue disturbance of one’s private life.
privacy n. (Uncountable) Freedom from damaging publicity, public scrutiny, surveillance, and disclosure of personal…
VACANCYvacancy n. An unoccupied position or job.
vacancy n. An available room in a hotel; guest house, etc.
vacancy n. Empty space.
VACUITYvacuity n. Emptiness.
vacuity n. Physical emptiness, an absence of matter; vacuum.
vacuity n. Idleness; listlessness.
VALENCYvalency n. (Graph theory) The number of edges connected to a vertex in a graph.
valency n. (Especially chemistry) Valence.
valency n. (Linguistics) The capacity of a verb to take a specific number of arguments.
VICARLYvicarly adj. Befitting a vicar.
VICARLY adj. like a vicar.
VOCABLYVOCABLE adv. capable of being uttered.
VOCALLYvocally adv. In a vocal manner.
vocally adv. Using words.
VOCALLY adv. with the voice.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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