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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 17 seven-letter words containing A, C, N and W

ACKNOWNacknown v. Past participle of acknow.
ACKNOW v. (obsolete) to recognize, acknowledge.
ACKNOWSacknows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of acknow.
ACKNOW v. (obsolete) to recognize, acknowledge.
CAWINGScawings n. Plural of cawing.
CAWING n. the sound rooks make.
CHAWINGchawing v. Present participle of chaw, i.e. nonstandard variant of chewing.
CHAW v. to chew esp. tobacco.
CHINWAGchinwag n. (Britain, Ireland, informal) An informal conversation, usually about everyday matters; a chat, a gossip.
chinwag v. (British, Ireland, informal) To chat, to gossip.
chin-wag n. Alternative spelling of chinwag.
CLAWINGclawing v. Present participle of claw.
clawing n. A scratch with the claws.
clawing adj. Causing a visceral sensation of panic or terror.
COWBANEcowbane n. Any of several related poisonous plants of the genus Cicuta.
cowbane n. Cicuta virosa, type species of this genus.
COWBANE n. the water hemlock, often poisonous to cattle.
COWHANDcowhand n. One who tends free-range cattle, especially in the American West.
COWHAND n. one who looks after cows.
CREWMANcrewman n. A member of a crew, especially the crew of a ship.
crewman n. (Canada, military) Synonym of armoured crewman.
CREWMAN n. one who serves on a ship.
NOWCASTnowcast v. To predict the weather for a very short upcoming period (usually a few hours).
nowcast v. (Statistics, modelling) To estimate what is currently happening based on knowledge of how data is biased.
nowcast n. (Meteorology) A weather forecast predicting the weather for a very short upcoming period, usually only a few hours.
PAWNCESPAWNCE n. (obsolete) a pansy flower, also PANCE, PAUNCE.
SCRAWNYscrawny adj. Thin, malnourished and weak.
SCRAWNY adj. extremely thin, also SCRANNY.
SNOWCAPsnowcap n. A layer of snow covering a mountain top.
snowcap n. A small hummingbird, Microchera albocoronata, which is a resident breeder in Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa…
snow␣cap n. Alternative spelling of snowcap.
SNOWCATsnowcat n. A truck-like enclosed vehicle on tracks, designed to move on snow.
snowcat n. A visual representation of a cat made from snow.
SNOWCAT n. a tracklaying vehicle for travel on snow.
WACONDAWaconda prop.n. Dated form of Wakanda.
WACONDA n. (Native American) a supernatural force in Sioux belief, also WAHCONDA, WAKANDA.
WICCANSWiccans n. Plural of Wiccan.
WICCAN n. one who practices witchcraft.
WINDACSwindacs n. Plural of windac.
WINDAC n. a windlass, also WINDAS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 107 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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