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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing A, C, G and V

AGRAVICagravic adj. Of or pertaining to the condition of zero gravity.
AGRAVIC adj. relating to zero gravity.
CALVINGcalving v. Present participle of calve.
calving n. The act of giving birth to a calf.
calving n. The breaking away of a mass of ice from an glacier, iceberg etc.
CARVINGcarving n. (Sculpture) A carved object.
carving n. The act or craft of producing a carved object.
carving v. Present participle of carve.
CAVINGScavings n. Plural of caving.
CAVING n. the sport of exploring caves.
CRAVINGcraving n. A strong desire; yearning.
craving v. Present participle of crave.
CRAVING n. a great desire.
GARVOCKgarvock n. (Scotland) A fish, the garvie or sprat.
GARVOCK n. (Scots) a sprat, also GARVIE.
SCAVAGEscavage n. (Historical) A toll or duty anciently exacted from merchant strangers by mayors, sheriffs, etc. for…
scavage v. To act as a scavenger, to scavenge.
SCAVAGE v. to scavenge.
VACKINGvacking v. Present participle of vac.
VAC v. to clean with a vacuum cleaner.
VEGANICveganic adj. Of or relating to a form of agriculture that uses no animal products.
veganic adj. Both vegan and organic.
VEGANIC adj. relating to manuring with material which is purely vegetable organic.
VICUGNAvicugna n. Alternative spelling of vicuna.
Vicugna prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Camelidae – the vicunas.
VICUGNA n. (Quechua) a wild wool-bearing llama-like animal of the Andes, also VICUNA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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