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There are 19 seven-letter words containing A, C, G and M

CAGMAGScagmags n. Plural of cagmag.
CAGMAG v. to chat idly.
CALMINGcalming v. Present participle of calm.
CALMING adj. effecting calm.
CALMING n. an act of calming.
CAMBOGEcamboge n. Alternative form of gamboge.
CAMBOGE n. a yellow gum resin, also CAMBOGIA.
CAMMINGcamming n. (Slang) Camcording; the illegal re-recording of films on camcorder in a cinema.
camming v. Present participle of cam.
CAM v. to whiten with camstone, also CAUM.
CAMOGIEcamogie n. A women’s stick-and-ball sport from Ireland, almost identical to hurling.
CAMOGIE n. (Irish) an Irish game, a form of hurling, played by women.
CAMPINGcamping v. Present participle of camp.
camping n. (Uncountable) The recreational activity of temporarily living in a tent or similar accommodation, usually…
camping n. (Countable) The act of setting up a camp.
CAMPONGcampong n. Alternative spelling of kampong.
CAMPONG n. (Malay) a Malay village, also KAMPONG.
CAUMINGCAUM v. (Scots) to whiten with camstone, also CAM.
COAMINGcoaming n. (Nautical) On a boat, the vertical side of above-deck structures, such as the coach roof, hatch, and cockpit.
coaming n. A raised frame, designed to deflect or prevent entry of water, around an opening (e.g., a hatch or skylight)…
COAMING n. a raised border.
COMPAGEcompage n. (Obsolete) Compages; consistency, solid structure; the compaction of parts into a whole.
compage n. (Obsolete) A compages; a unified complex whole formed from the compaction of parts.
COMPAGE n. (obsolete) a system or structure of many parts united.
DIGICAMdigicam n. (Photography) A digital camera.
DIGICAM n. a digital camera.
GAMETICgametic adj. Of or pertaining to gametes.
GAMETIC adj. of or like a gamete, also GAMETAL.
GAMMOCKgammock n. (UK, dialect) A frolic; fun.
gammock v. (UK, dialect, intransitive) To frolic; to lark about.
GAMMOCK v. (dialect) to frolic.
GRIMACEgrimace n. A contorted facial expression, often expressing contempt or pain.
grimace n. (Obsolete) Affectation, pretence.
grimace v. (Intransitive) To make grimaces; to distort one’s face; to make faces.
MAGICALmagical adj. Of, relating to, or by means of magic.
magical adj. Enchanting.
MAGICAL adj. resembling magic.
MOCKAGEmockage n. (Obsolete) Mockery; mocking.
MOCKAGE n. (obsolete) mockery.
MYALGICmyalgic adj. Pertaining to myalgia.
MYALGIC adj. relating to myalgia, pain in the muscles.
OGHAMICoghamic adj. In, of, or pertaining to Ogham.
OGHAMIC adj. of or like ogham, also OGAMIC, OGMIC.
SCUMBAGscumbag n. (Slang, vulgar, dated) A condom.
scumbag n. (Informal, mildly vulgar) A sleazy, disreputable or despicable person; lowlife.
SCUMBAG n. a contemptible person.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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