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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing A, 2C and V

CASEVACcasevac n. Alternative form of CASEVAC.
casevac v. To perform the emergency evacuation of an injured person or people (civilians or soldiers) from a combat zone.
CASEVAC n. The emergency patient evacuation of injured people (civilians or soldiers) from a combat zone.
CONCAVEconcave adj. Curved like the inner surface of a sphere or bowl.
concave adj. (Geometry, not comparable, of a polygon) not convex; having at least one internal angle greater than 180 degrees.
concave adj. (Functional analysis, not comparable, of a real-valued function on the reals) satisfying the property…
PECCAVIpeccavi interj. An expression of guilt or culpability.
peccavi n. An act of saying ‘peccavi’; an admission of guilt or responsibility.
PECCAVI n. (Latin) a confession of sin or guilt.
VACANCEvacance n. (Obsolete) A vacation.
VACANCE n. the state of being vacant, also VACANCY.
VACANCYvacancy n. An unoccupied position or job.
vacancy n. An available room in a hotel; guest house, etc.
vacancy n. Empty space.
VACCINAvaccina n. Alternative form of vaccinia (“cowpox”).
VACCINA n. (Latin) cowpox, also VACCINIA.
VACCINEvaccine adj. (Historical).
vaccine adj. (Archaic) Of, pertaining to, or derived from cattle or cows.
vaccine n. (Immunology).
VOCALICvocalic adj. Pertaining to a vowel.
VOCALIC adj. of or pertaining to vowel sounds.
VOCALIC n. a vowel sound.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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