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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 10 seven-letter words containing A, B, Q and U

BANQUETbanquet n. A large celebratory meal; a feast.
banquet n. (Archaic) A dessert; a course of sweetmeats.
banquet n. A ceremonial dinner party for many people.
BAROQUEbaroque adj. Ornate, intricate, decorated, laden with detail.
baroque adj. Complex and beautiful, despite an outward irregularity.
baroque adj. Chiseled from stone, or shaped from wood, in a garish, crooked, twisted, or slanted sort of way, grotesque.
BARQUESbarques n. Plural of barque.
BARQUE n. a three-masted vessel whose mizzenmast is fore-and-aft-rigged.
BASQUEDbasqued adj. Having a basque.
BASQUED adj. furnished with a basque.
BASQUESbasques n. Plural of basque.
Basques prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
Basques n. Plural of Basque.
BUQSHASbuqshas n. Plural of buqsha.
BUQSHA n. a monetary unit of Yemen.
EQUABLEequable adj. Unvarying, calm and steady; constant and uniform.
equable adj. (Of temperature) Free from extremes of heat or cold.
equable adj. (Of emotions etc) Not easily disturbed; tranquil.
EQUABLYequably adv. In an equable manner.
EQUABLE adv. smooth; without wide variations.
SQUABBYsquabby adj. Short and thick; squabbish.
SQUABBY adj. short and thick, also SQUAB, SQUABBISH.
SUBAQUAsubaqua adj. Underwater.
SUBAQUA adj. relating to underwater sport.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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