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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 11 seven-letter words containing A, B, N and P

BEDPANSbedpans n. Plural of bedpan.
BEDPAN n. a toilet pan for use in bed.
BEPAINTbepaint v. (Transitive) To paint; to cover or color with, or as with, paint.
BEPAINT v. (archaic) to paint over, to colour.
BIPLANEbiplane adj. Composed of, or relating to, two planes (flat surfaces extending infinitely in all directions).
biplane adj. (Aviation) Having, or consisting of, two superposed planes, aerocurves, etc.
biplane n. (Aviation) An airplane that has two main wings, one above the other and supported by struts.
PARABENparaben n. Any of a group of chemicals used as preservatives in cosmetics and pharmaceuticals, wherein the hydrogen…
PARABEN n. any of a group of chemicals widely used as preservatives in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.
PEMBINApembina n. Viburnum edule, the squashberry, the lowbush cranberry.
pembina n. One of the edible berries of this plant, from which jam may be produced.
Pembina n. A member of the Pembina Band of Chippewa Indians, a historical band of Chippewa (Ojibwe), originally…
PINBALLpinball n. (Games) A game, played on a device with a sloping base, in which the player operates a spring-loaded…
pinball n. The ball used in pinball.
pinball n. (Figuratively, soccer) A situation where a ball is frantically kicked between many players.
PLEBEANplebean adj. Obsolete form of plebeian.
plebean n. Obsolete form of plebeian.
PLEBEAN adj. (Shakespeare) plebeian, of the common people.
POBLANOpoblano n. A mild green chile pepper native to Mexico; when dried, the chilis are called anchos or chiles anchos…
Poblano prop.n. A surname from Spanish.
POBLANO n. a kind of long, wide, dark-green moderately hot chili used esp. in Mexican cooking.
PROBANDproband n. (Genetics, medicine) An individual who presents with a genetic disorder or other specific characteristic…
PROBAND n. a person with some distinctive characteristic who serves as the starting point for a study of genetic transmission.
PROBANGprobang n. A slender elastic rod, as of whalebone, with a sponge on the end, for removing obstructions from the oesophagus, etc.
PROBANG n. a long flexible rod with a sponge on the end used to remove foreign bodies from the larynx or the esophagus.
SUBPENAsubpena n. (North America) Alternative form of subpoena.
subpena v. (North America) Alternative form of subpoena.
SUBPENA v. (Latin) to summon with a type of judicial writ, also SUBPOENA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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