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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 14 seven-letter words containing A, B, C and P

BACKUPSbackups n. Plural of backup.
back-ups n. Plural of back-up.
BACKUP n. a substitute, a standby.
BECLASPbeclasp v. (Dated) To clasp.
BECLASP v. to clasp, embrace.
BIPACKSbipacks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bipack.
BIPACK n. a pair of films.
BLUECAPbluecap n. A bird, the blue titmouse.
bluecap n. A fish of the salmon kind with blue spots on its head.
bluecap n. (Colloquial) A Scotsman.
BYPLACEby-place n. A retired place, spot, or situation; somewhere out-of-the-way.
BYPLACE n. a secluded place.
CAPABLEcapable adj. Able and efficient; having the ability needed for a specific task; having the disposition to do something;…
capable adj. (Obsolete) Of sufficient capacity or size for holding, containing, receiving or taking in; accessible…
CAPABLE adj. competent.
CAPABLYcapably adv. In a capable manner.
CAPABLE adv. competent.
COPAIBAcopaiba n. Any of several South American trees of the genus Copaifera.
copaiba n. An oleoresin, extracted from such trees, used in varnishes, ointments and as a perfume fixative.
COPAIBA n. (Tupi) a transparent resin obtained from certain South American trees, also COPAIVA.
HUBCAPShubcaps n. Plural of hubcap.
hub␣caps n. Plural of hub cap.
HUBCAP n. a covering for the hub of a wheel.
MOBCAPSmobcaps n. Plural of mobcap.
mob␣caps n. Plural of mob cap.
MOBCAP n. a plain cap or headdress for women or girls; esp. one tying under the chin.
PACABLEpacable adj. (Obsolete) Able to be easily pacified.
PACABLE adj. (archaic) able to be appeased; willing to forgive.
PAYBACKpayback n. (Uncountable) An act of revenge.
payback n. (Countable) A benefit, reward, a form of recompense.
payback n. A return on investment.
PEDICABpedicab n. A tricycle having a hooded cab to seat paying passengers.
PEDICAB n. a light vehicle consisting of a tricycle with the addition of a covered seat for a passenger.
PLACEBOplacebo n. (Medicine) A dummy medicine containing no active ingredients; an inert treatment.
placebo n. (Roman Catholicism) The vespers sung in the office for the dead.
PLACEBO n. (Latin) a medicine given to humour a patient.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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