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There are 20 seven-letter words containing 2A, S and X

ABRASAXAbrasax prop.n. (Historical) A theonym of unclear signification, commonly invoked as a magic word on amulets, talismans…
Abrasax n. (Historical) A gem engraved with the word Abrasax or Abraxas.
ABRASAX n. a mystic word, also ABRAXAS.
ABRAXASabraxas n. (Gnosticism, historical) A transcription of Abrasax.
Abraxas prop.n. Alternative form of Abrasax (archon).
Abraxas prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Geometridae – the magpie moths.
ADDAXESaddaxes n. Plural of addax.
ADDAX n. a large light-coloured African antelope with curled horns.
ALEXIASalexias n. Plural of alexia.
ALEXIA n. loss of power to read.
ANOXIASanoxias n. Plural of anoxia.
ANOXIA n. deficient supply of oxygen to the tissues.
ASEXUALasexual adj. Nonsexual in nature, unmarked by sexual activity.
asexual adj. (Especially of a person) Not experiencing sexual attraction; lacking interest in or desire for sex.
asexual adj. (Biology) Lacking distinct sex, lacking sexual organs.
ATAXIASataxias n. Plural of ataxia.
ATAXIA n. loss of muscular coordination, also ATAXY.
ATAXICSataxics n. Plural of ataxic.
ATAXIC n. one suffering from ataxia.
ATAXIESataxies n. Plural of ataxy.
ATAXY n. loss of muscular coordination, also ATAXIA.
AXILLASaxillas n. Plural of axilla.
AXILLA n. (Latin) the armpit.
EXACTASexactas n. Plural of exacta.
EXACTA n. (Spanish) a type of horse racing bet.
GALAXESGALAX n. a heathlike evergreen plant of the southwestern US.
HAPAXEShapaxes n. Plural of hapax.
HAPAX n. (Greek) a word that occurs only once.
MALAXESmalaxes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of malax.
MALAX v. to soften by kneading, also MALAXATE.
PANAXESpanaxes n. Plural of panax.
PANAX n. (Greek) a tree of the Aralia family.
SAXAULSsaxauls n. Plural of saxaul.
SAXAUL n. a low, thick, grotesquely contorted tree of the saltbush family found on the steppes of Asia, also SAKSAUL.
SAXTUBAsaxtuba n. An obsolete valved brasswind instrument inspired by the Ancient Roman cornu and tuba.
sax␣tuba n. (Music) saxhorn.
SAXTUBA n. a bass saxhorn.
SEALWAXsealwax n. Sealing wax.
SEALWAX n. sealing wax.
SUBTAXAsubtaxa n. Plural of subtaxon (Elements within a taxon).
SUBTAXON n. a subdivision of a taxon.
XERASIAxerasia n. Dryness and brittleness of the hair.
XERASIA n. abnormal dryness of the hair.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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