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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 16 seven-letter words containing 2A, M and Z

AMAZINGamazing v. Present participle of amaze.
amazing adj. Causing wonder and amazement; very surprising.
amazing adj. (Informal) Possessing uniquely wonderful qualities; very good.
AMAZONSamazons n. Plural of amazon.
Amazons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Amazon.
Amazons n. Plural of Amazon.
HAMZAHShamzahs n. Plural of hamzah.
HAMZAH n. (Arabic) an Arab diacritical mark, also HAMZA.
HAZANIMhazanim n. Plural of hazan.
HAZAN n. (Hebrew) a cantor in a synagogue, also CHAZAN, CHAZZAN, CHAZZEN, HAZZAN, KHAZEN.
HAZMATShazmats n. Plural of hazmat.
HAZMAT n. hazardous material.
JAZZMANjazzman n. (Music) A male member of a jazz band.
JAZZMAN n. a musician who plays jazz.
MATZAHSmatzahs n. Plural of matzah.
MATZAH n. (Yiddish) an unleavened bread, also MATZO, MATSAH, MATZA, MATZOH.
MAZARDSmazards n. Plural of mazard.
MAZARD n. a kind of small black cherry, also MAZZARD.
MAZUMASmazumas n. (US, slang) mazuma; money.
MAZUMA n. (Yiddish) money, cash.
MAZURKAmazurka n. (Music) A Polish folk dance in triple time, usually moderately fast, containing a heavy accent on the…
mazurka n. (Music) A classical musical composition inspired by the folk dance and conforming in some respects to…
mazurka n. (Figure skating) A figure skating move that combines elements of the toe loop and bunny-hop.
MAZZARDmazzard n. A sweet cherry, Prunus avium, especially when used as rootstock.
MAZZARD n. a kind of small black cherry, also MAZARD.
METAZOAmetazoa n. (Zoology) The multicellular eukaryotes of the kingdom Metazoa considered collectively.
Metazoa prop.n. A taxonomic kingdom within the domain Eukarya – the metazoa.
METAZOON n. any of a major division of multicellular animals, also METAZOAN.
ROMANZAromanza n. A kind of sentimental ballad.
ROMANZA n. (Italian) a short instrumental piece of songlike character.
ZAMANGSzamangs n. Plural of zamang.
ZAMANG n. (Caribbean) the rain-tree, a member of the mimosa family, also SAMAAN, SAMAN, ZAMAN.
ZAMARRAzamarra n. Sheepskin.
zamarra n. A sheepskin coat worn in parts of Spain.
ZAMARRA n. (Spanish) a shepherd's sheepskin coat, also ZAMARRO.
ZAMARROzamarro n. Alternative form of zamarra.
ZAMARRO n. (Spanish) a shepherd's sheepskin coat, also ZAMARRA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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