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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 13 seven-letter words containing 2A, M and W

ADWOMANadwoman n. A woman working in advertising; a female adman.
ADWOMAN n. a female worker in the advertising industry.
MALWAREmalware n. (Computing) Software which has been designed to operate in a malicious, undesirable manner.
MALWARE n. a computer program designed to cause damage or disruption to a system.
MANAWASMANAWA n. (Maori) a mangrove.
MANWARDmanward adj. Directed toward mankind.
manward adv. Toward mankind.
MANWARD adv. towards man, also MANWARDS.
SWAGMANswagman n. (Australia, New Zealand, historical) A man who travels around with a swag (“bundle of personal items”);…
swagman n. (Britain, archaic) A person who sells or trades in trinkets or items of low value.
swagman n. (US, slang) A middleman who buys and sells stolen goods; a fence.
TRAMWAYtramway n. The track on which a tram (streetcar) runs.
tramway n. The system of cables that supports a cable car.
TRAMWAY n. a route for a tram.
WADMAALwadmaal n. Alternative form of wadmal.
WADMAAL n. (Old Norse) a thick, coarse woollen cloth, also WADMAL, WADMEL, WADMOL, WADMOLL.
WADMALSwadmals n. Plural of wadmal.
WADMAL n. (Old Norse) a thick, coarse woollen cloth, also WADMAAL, WADMEL, WADMOL, WADMOLL.
WAKAMESWAKAME n. (Japanese) an edible seaweed that can be soaked and used as a salad vegetable, also WAKANE.
WAKEMANwakeman n. (Archaic) A watchman.
wakeman n. (UK, historical) A man employed to preside over a nightly curfew in the city of Ripon, England.
Wakeman prop.n. A surname.
WARGAMEwargame n. Alternative spelling of war game.
wargame v. Alternative spelling of war game.
war-game n. Alternative form of war game.
WAYMARKwaymark n. A sign or symbol marked in a prominent position in an off-road location to show the track of a footpath…
waymark n. A map coordinate stored within a satellite navigation system.
WAYMARK n. a mark showing the way.
WHANGAMWHANGAM n. (Goldsmith) an imaginary animal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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