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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing 2A, H and Z

CHALAZAchalaza n. (Botany) The location where the nucellus attaches to the integuments, opposite the micropyle.
chalaza n. (Zoology) One of the two spiral bands which attach the yolk of an egg to the eggshell, suspending it in the white.
CHALAZA n. (Greek) a band of tissue in an egg.
CHAZANSchazans n. Plural of chazan.
Chazans prop.n. Plural of Chazan.
CHAZAN n. (Hebrew) a cantor in a synagogue, also CHAZZAN, CHAZZEN, HAZAN, HAZZAN, KHAZEN.
CHAZZANchazzan n. Alternative form of hazzan.
CHAZZAN n. (Hebrew) a cantor in a synagogue, also CHAZAN, CHAZZEN, HAZAN, HAZZAN, KHAZEN.
GHAZALSghazals n. Plural of ghazal.
Ghazals prop.n. Plural of Ghazal.
GHAZAL n. (Arabic) a Persian verse form, also GAZAL, GHAZEL.
HAMZAHShamzahs n. Plural of hamzah.
HAMZAH n. (Arabic) an Arab diacritical mark, also HAMZA.
HAZANIMhazanim n. Plural of hazan.
HAZAN n. (Hebrew) a cantor in a synagogue, also CHAZAN, CHAZZAN, CHAZZEN, HAZZAN, KHAZEN.
HAZARDShazards n. Plural of hazard.
hazards n. (Automotive) Ellipsis of hazard lights.
hazards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hazard.
HAZMATShazmats n. Plural of hazmat.
HAZMAT n. hazardous material.
HAZZANShazzans n. Plural of hazzan.
HAZZAN n. (Hebrew) a cantor in a synagogue, also CHAZAN, CHAZZAN, CHAZZEN, HAZAN, KHAZEN.
MATZAHSmatzahs n. Plural of matzah.
MATZAH n. (Yiddish) an unleavened bread, also MATZO, MATSAH, MATZA, MATZOH.
PHEAZARPHEAZAR n. (Shakespeare) perhaps for vizier, also VEZIR, VISIER, VIZIER, VIZIR, WAZIR, WIZIER.
ZAPTIAHzaptiah n. Alternative form of zaptieh.
ZAPTIAH n. (Turkish) a Turkish policeman, also ZABTIEH, ZAPTIEH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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