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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 8 seven-letter words containing 2A, H and X

ANTHRAXanthrax n. (Pathology) An acute infectious disease of herbivores, especially sheep and cattle, caused by Bacillus anthracis.
anthrax n. The human disease that can occur in humans through contact with infected herbivores, tissue from infected…
Anthrax prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Bombyliidae – bee flies.
HANDAXEhandaxe n. Alternative form of hand axe.
hand␣axe n. A stone tool made by flaking to produce an edge, used without a handle.
hand␣axe n. (Fantasy, role-playing games) A hatchet or throwing axe.
HAPAXEShapaxes n. Plural of hapax.
HAPAX n. (Greek) a word that occurs only once.
HEXAPLAhexapla n. A text presented in six parallel versions, especially (historical) the version of the Old Testament…
Hexapla prop.n. A Biblical hexapla: an edition of the Bible in six parallel versions or languages.
HEXAPLA n. (Greek) a book of six (especially Biblical) parallel texts.
PANCHAXpanchax n. Any of various tropical fish in the cyprinodontiform families Aplocheilidae and Nothobranchiidae which…
PANCHAX n. (Latin) any of several kinds of brightly coloured fish, often stocked in aquariums.
PHALANXphalanx n. (Historical, plural phalanxes) An ancient Greek and Macedonian military unit that consisted of several…
phalanx n. (Historical sociology) A Fourierite utopian community; a phalanstery.
phalanx n. (Plural phalanxes) A large group of people, animals or things, compact or closely massed, or tightly…
XANTHAMxantham n. Alternative form of xanthan.
XANTHAM n. a gum produced by the culture fermentation of glucose, used as a stabilizer, also XANTHAN.
XANTHANxanthan n. (Biochemistry) A polysaccharide, consisting of galactose and mannose residues, produced by the bacterium…
XANTHAN n. a gum produced by culture fermentation of glucose, used as a stabilizer, also XANTHAM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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