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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 12 seven-letter words containing 2A, H and J

BHAJANSbhajans n. Plural of bhajan.
BHAJAN n. a Hindu religious song.
GANJAHSGANJAH n. (Hindi) cannabis used for smoking, also GANJA.
HAJJAHShajjahs n. Plural of hajjah.
HAJJAH n. (Arabic) a Muslim woman who has made a pilgrimage to Mecca.
HANDJARhandjar n. A Turkish dagger.
HANDJAR n. (Persian) a Persian dagger, also HANJAR, KHANJAR.
HANJARShanjars n. Plural of hanjar.
HANJAR n. (Persian) a Persian dagger, also HANDJAR, KHANJAR.
HARIJANHarijan n. (Derogatory) Synonym of Dalit.
HARIJAN n. (Sanskrit) in India, a member of the untouchable caste.
JARHEADjarhead n. (Slang) A US marine.
JARHEAD n. an American marine soldier.
JARRAHSjarrahs n. Plural of jarrah.
JARRAH n. (Native Australian) the mahogany-like wood of an Australian eucalyptus.
JHATKASJHATKA n. (Punjabi) the slaughter of animals for food in accordance with Sikh law.
KAJAWAHkajawah n. A sort of covered basket used as a pannier or saddle on the back of a camel.
KAJAWAH n. (Urdu) a camel saddle.
KHANJARkhanjar n. A kind of dagger used in certain Arabian countries.
KHANJAR n. (Persian) a Persian dagger, also HANDJAR, HANJAR.
RHANJASRHANJA n. (Hinglish) a male lover.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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