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List of 7-letter words containing

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There are 15 seven-letter words containing 2A, B and X

ABAXIALabaxial adj. (Botany, zoology) Of a side that is facing away from the axis or central line, such as the underside…
abaxial adj. Not in the axis. Applied to an embryo placed out of the axis of the seed.
ABAXIAL adj. facing away from the axis, as the surface of a leaf, also ABAXILE.
ABAXILEabaxile adj. Alternative form of abaxial.
ABAXILE adj. facing away from the axis, as the surface of a leaf, also ABAXIAL.
ABRASAXAbrasax prop.n. (Historical) A theonym of unclear signification, commonly invoked as a magic word on amulets, talismans…
Abrasax n. (Historical) A gem engraved with the word Abrasax or Abraxas.
ABRASAX n. a mystic word, also ABRAXAS.
ABRAXASabraxas n. (Gnosticism, historical) A transcription of Abrasax.
Abraxas prop.n. Alternative form of Abrasax (archon).
Abraxas prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Geometridae – the magpie moths.
BATEAUXbateaux n. Plural of bateau.
BATEAU n. (Canadian) a boat; especially a flat-bottomed, clumsy boat used on the Canadian lakes and rivers, also BATTEAU.
BIAXIALbiaxial adj. Having two axes.
biaxial adj. (Mathematics, astronomy) Having two axes of rotation and two planes of symmetry (e.g. having the shape of a spheroid).
biaxial adj. Along two axes; e.g. in engineering, a shear or compression text of a material along two axes.
BROADAXbroadax n. Alternative spelling of broadaxe.
BROADAX n. an ancient military weapon; a battleax, also BROADAXE.
FAXABLEfaxable adj. That can be faxed (transmitted by facsimile).
FAXABLE adj. capable of being faxed.
PAXIUBApaxiuba n. A palm tree of the genus Iriartea.
PAXIUBA n. (Portuguese) a Brazilian palm with stilt-roots.
SAXTUBAsaxtuba n. An obsolete valved brasswind instrument inspired by the Ancient Roman cornu and tuba.
sax␣tuba n. (Music) saxhorn.
SAXTUBA n. a bass saxhorn.
SUBTAXAsubtaxa n. Plural of subtaxon (Elements within a taxon).
SUBTAXON n. a subdivision of a taxon.
TAXABLEtaxable adj. That can be taxed.
taxable adj. Subject to taxation.
taxable n. Something on which tax must be paid.
TAXABLYtaxably adv. In a way that is subject to taxation.
TAXABLE adv. capable of being taxed.
TAXICABtaxicab n. A vehicle that passengers hire to take them between locations of their choice, the fare being calculated…
taxicab v. (Intransitive) To travel by taxicab.
TAXICAB n. automobile for hire.
WAXABLEwaxable adj. (Chiefly skiing) Suitable for being waxed.
WAXABLE adj. able to be waxed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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