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There are 12 seven-letter words containing 3A and V

AVATARSavatars n. Plural of avatar.
AVATAR n. (Sanskrit) the incarnation of a Hindu deity.
BACLAVAbaclava n. Alternative form of baklava.
BACLAVA n. (Turkish) a Middle Eastern dessert, also BAKLAVA, BAKLAWA.
BAKLAVAbaklava n. A popular sweet pastry found in many cuisines of the Middle East and the Balkans, made of chopped nuts…
BAKLAVA n. (Turkish) a Middle Eastern dessert made of layers of filo pastry, honey, nuts, etc., also BACLAVA, BAKLAWA.
BATAVIAbatavia n. Alternative form of Batavia (“variety of lettuce”).
Batavia prop.n. (Historical) Former name of Jakarta, used during the Dutch East Indies period.
Batavia prop.n. The land of the ancient Batavians or Batavi (part of the modern Netherlands).
CARAVANcaravan n. A convoy or procession of travelers, their vehicles and cargo, and any pack animals, especially camels…
caravan n. (UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa) A furnished vehicle towed behind a car, etc., and used as…
caravan v. To travel in a caravan (procession).
CASAVASCASAVA n. a tropical plant whose roots yield a valuable starch, also CASSAVA.
CASSAVAcassava n. Manioc (Manihot esculenta), a tropical plant which is the source of tapioca.
cassava n. Tapioca, a starchy pulp made with manioc roots.
CASSAVA n. a tropical plant whose roots yield a valuable starch, also CASAVA.
CAVALLAcavalla n. Any of several fishes in the families Carangidae and Scombridae.
CAVALLA n. (Portuguese) a large food fish, also CAVALLY.
HALAVAHHALAVAH n. (Yiddish) a sweetmeat, originally Turkish, containing sesame seeds, honey, nuts and saffron, also HALVA, HALVAH.
PIASAVApiasava n. Alternative form of piassava.
PIASAVA n. (Tupi) a coarse, stiff fibre, also PIASSAVA, PIASABA, PIASSABA.
SAVANNAsavanna n. A tropical grassland with scattered trees.
Savanna prop.n. A female given name transferred from the place name, of modern usage, variant of Savannah.
Savanna prop.n. A city in Carroll County, Illinois, United States, across the Mississippi from Iowa.
VAHANASVAHANA n. (Sanskrit) a vehicle in Indian myth.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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