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There are 10 seven-letter words containing 3A and J

BAJADASbajadas n. Plural of bajada.
BAJADA n. (Spanish) a broad, sloping depositional deposit caused by the coalescing of alluvial fans, also BAHADA.
JACAMARjacamar n. Any of various insectivorous tropical birds, of the family Galbulidae, having iridescent plumage and…
JACAMAR n. (Tupi) any of various small insectivorous birds of tropical South America, with partly iridescent plumage.
JACANASjacanas n. Plural of jacana.
JACANA n. (Portuguese) any of various small tropical wading birds of the family Jacanidae, which have greatly elongated toes and claws, enabling them to walk on floating vegetation.
JAMAATSjamaats n. Plural of jamaat.
JAMAAT n. (Arabic) an Islamic council or assembly.
JAMADARjamadar n. Alternative spelling of jemadar.
JAMADAR n. (Urdu) in the native army of India, an officer of a rank corresponding to that of lieutenant in the English army, also JEMADAR, JEMIDAR.
JATAKASjatakas n. Plural of jataka.
JATAKA n. (Pali) the birth-story of Buddha.
KAJAWAHkajawah n. A sort of covered basket used as a pannier or saddle on the back of a camel.
KAJAWAH n. (Urdu) a camel saddle.
MAJAGUAmajagua n. Hampea reynae, a plant endemic to El Salvador.
MAJAGUA n. a forest tree of Cuba and Jamaica having variably hairy leaves and orange-yellow or orange-red flower.
PAJAMASpajamas n. Clothes for wearing to bed and sleeping in, usually consisting of a loose-fitting shirt and pants/trousers.
pajamas n. Loose-fitting trousers worn by both sexes in various southern Asian countries including India.
PAJAMA n. a garment for sleeping or lounging, also PYJAMA.
UJAMAASujamaas n. Plural of ujamaa.
UJAMAA n. (Swahili) in Tanzania, a form of village community resembling the Israeli kibbutz.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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