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There are 17 six-letter words containing A, R, U and V

AVOUREAVOURE n. (Spenser) avowal.
AVRUGAAVRUGA n. (Spanish) herring roe with a smoky flavour, sometimes used as a substitute for caviar.
FAVOURfavour n. (British spelling) Standard spelling of favor.
favour v. (British spelling) Standard spelling of favor.
FAVOUR v. to regard with goodwill, also FAVOR.
LOUVARlouvar n. Luvarus imperialis, a large ellipsoidal perciform fish related to the surgeonfish.
LOUVAR n. (Italian) a large silvery whalelike scombroid fish.
MAUVERmauver adj. Comparative form of mauve: more mauve.
MAUVE adj. coloured mauve.
MURVASMURVA n. (Sanskrit) a bowstring hemp, also MOORVA.
OVULARovular adj. Of or pertaining to an oval.
ovular adj. Of or pertaining to an ovule.
ovular n. (Feminism, rare) A seminar for feminists.
QUAVERquaver n. A trembling shake.
quaver n. A trembling of the voice, as in speaking or singing.
quaver n. (Music) an eighth note, drawn as a crotchet (quarter note) with a tail.
SAVOURsavour n. The specific taste or smell of something.
savour n. A distinctive sensation.
savour n. Sense of smell; power to scent, or trace by scent.
SUAVERsuaver adj. Comparative form of suave: more suave.
SUAVE adj. (French) sophisticated and smoothly affable.
UVULARuvular adj. (Anatomy) Of or relating to the uvula.
uvular adj. (Phonetics) Of a sound, articulated with the uvula.
uvular n. (Phonetics) A sound articulated with the uvula.
VAGUERvaguer adj. Comparative form of vague: more vague.
VAGUE adj. indeterminate.
VALOURvalour n. Individually sustained verve or passion.
valour n. Value; worth.
valour n. Strength of mind in regard to danger; the quality which enables a person to encounter danger with firmness.
VALUERvaluer n. A person who valuates; an assessor or appraiser.
valuer n. A person who appreciates something and sets a value on it.
VALUER n. one that values.
VAPOURvapour n. British form standard spelling of vapor.
vapour v. British form standard spelling of vapor.
VAPOUR n. mist, fume or smoke.
VULGARvulgar adj. Debased, uncouth, distasteful, obscene.
vulgar adj. (Classical sense) Having to do with ordinary, common people.
vulgar adj. (Especially taxonomy) Common, usual; of the typical kind.
VULVARvulvar adj. Of or pertaining to the vulva.
VULVAR adj. relating to the vulva, also VULVAL.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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