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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing A, R, T and X

BAXTERbaxter n. (Obsolete, UK, Scotland) A baker; originally, a female baker.
Baxter prop.n. A surname originating as an occupation originating in northern England and in Scotland, a variant of Baker.
Baxter prop.n. A male given name transferred from the surname.
EXTRASextras n. Plural of extra.
EXTRA n. something additional.
MATRIXmatrix n. A table of data.
matrix n. The cavity or mold in which anything is formed.
matrix n. (Biology) The material or tissue in which more specialized structures are embedded.
OXCARToxcart n. A cart designed to be drawn by an ox or oxen.
OXCART n. a cart drawn by an ox.
PRETAXpretax adj. Before the payment of taxes.
pretax v. To tax before the action being taxed occurs.
pre-tax adj. Alternative form of pretax.
STORAXstorax n. Any member of the genus Styrax of trees and shrubs.
storax n. The resin of the oriental sweetgum tree (Liquidambar orientalis), formerly used as a stimulating expectorant.
STORAX n. (Latin) a fragrant resin, also STYRAX.
STYRAXstyrax n. Any member of the genus Styrax of about 130 species of large shrubs or small trees, mostly native to…
Styrax prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Styracaceae – species of which produce aromatic resins.
STYRAX n. (Greek) a fragrant resin, also STORAX.
SURTAXsurtax n. (Law) An additional or extra tax.
surtax v. (Transitive) To impose a surtax upon.
SURTAX v. to assess with an extra tax.
TAXERStaxers n. Plural of taxer.
TAXER n. one who imposes taxes, also TAXOR.
TAXORStaxors n. Plural of taxor.
TAXOR n. one who taxes, also TAXER.
THORAXthorax n. (Anatomy) The region of the mammalian body between the neck and abdomen as well as the cavity containing…
thorax n. (Entomology and arachnology) The middle of three distinct divisions in an insect, crustacean or arachnid…
THORAX n. (Greek) the part of the body between the neck and the abdomen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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