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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 11 six-letter words containing A, 2R and V

ARRIVEarrive v. (Intransitive, copulative) To reach; to get to a certain place.
arrive v. (Intransitive) To obtain a level of success or fame; to succeed.
arrive v. (Intransitive) To come; said of time.
BRAVERbraver adj. Comparative form of brave: more brave.
braver n. One who braves something.
BRAVER n. one who braves.
CARVERcarver n. Someone who carves; an artist who produces carvings.
carver n. (Dated) A carving knife.
carver n. (Dated) A butcher.
CRAVERcraver n. Someone who craves something.
Craver prop.n. A surname.
CRAVER n. one who craves.
GRAVERgraver n. (Dated) a burin.
graver n. (Obsolete) a carver, sculptor, or engraver.
graver adj. Comparative form of grave: more grave.
MARVERmarver n. (Glassblowing) A flat heatproof surface on which a gather of glass is rolled into shape.
marver v. To roll glass on a marver.
MARVER n. a marble or iron slab on which molten glass is rolled.
RAVERSravers n. Plural of raver.
Ravers prop.n. Plural of Raver.
RAVER n. one that raves.
RAVIERravier n. A trolley used for food selection in restaurants or cafes.
ravier n. A small dish in which hors d’oeuvres are served.
RAVEY adj. characteristic of a rave.
REAVERreaver n. One who reaves, a border raider or cattle thief.
REAVER n. one that reaves, also RIEVER.
VARIERvarier n. One who varies.
varier n. A wanderer; one who strays in search of variety.
VARIER n. a wanderer; one who strays in search of variety.
VARROAvarroa n. (Beekeeping, chiefly New Zealand) Infestation with the mite Varroa destructor, or the disease caused by such mites.
Varroa prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Varroidae – certain mites parasitic on honeybees.
VARROA n. (Latin) an Asiatic mite which paralyses and kills the honeybee.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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