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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 10 six-letter words containing A, Q, R and S

BURQASburqas n. Plural of burqa.
BURQA n. (Urdu) a coverall worn by Muslim women, also BURKA, BOORKA, BOURKHA.
FAQIRSfaqirs n. Plural of faqir.
FAQIR n. (Arabic) a Hindu ascetic, also FAKEER, FAKIR, FAQUIR.
QORMASqormas n. Plural of qorma.
QORMA n. (Hindi) a mild curry, also KORMA.
QUAIRSQUAIR n. (obsolete) a quire; a book.
QUARKSquarks n. Plural of quark.
QUARK n. a fundamental subatomic particle.
QUARTSquarts n. Plural of quart.
QUART n. the fourth part of a gallon, or two pints.
QUASARquasar n. (Astronomy) An extragalactic object, starlike in appearance, that is among the most luminous and (putatively)…
QUASAR n. a starlike object which emits radio waves.
SQUAREsquare n. (Geometry) A polygon with four sides of equal length and four right angles; an equilateral rectangle;…
square n. Something characterized by a square, or nearly square, form.
square n. An L- or T-shaped tool used to place objects or draw lines at right angles.
SQUARKsquark n. (Physics) A hypothetical supersymmetric counterpart to a quark, having a spin of zero instead of one-half.
SQUARK n. the hypothetical boson analogue of a quark.
TRANQStranqs n. Plural of tranq.
TRANQ n. (short for) tranquilliser, also TRANK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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