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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 13 six-letter words containing A, 2P and T

APPLETapplet n. (Computing) a small program module that runs under the control of a larger application, typically a web browser.
APPLET n. a small single-purpose add-on computer program.
APPORTapport n. (Parapsychology) The supposed paranormal transference of an object from one place to another, or the…
apport n. (Parapsychology) An object that appears from an unknown source.
apport v. (Parapsychology) To cause an apport on an object, to make a thing appear from nowhere.
LAPPETlappet n. A small decorative fold or flap, especially of lace or muslin, in a garment or headdress.
lappet n. (Zoology) A wattle or flap-like structure on the face.
lappet n. A head-dress made with lappets for lace pendants.
LAPTOPlaptop n. (Computing) A laptop computer.
LAPTOP n. a small computer used in the lap.
PEPITApepita n. An edible seed from a pumpkin or similar squash, which may - after being roasted (and, if needed, shelled)…
pepita n. A gold nugget, or pepito.
PEPITA n. (Spanish) the edible dried seed of a pumpkin or squash.
PETNAPpetnap v. To steal or abduct a pet.
PETNAP v. to steal a pet for profit.
PUPATEpupate v. To become a pupa.
PUPATE v. to pass through the pupal stage.
TAPPASTAPPA n. (Polynesian) a kind of cloth prepared by Polynesians from the inner bark of the paper mulberry, also TAPA.
TAPPEDtapped v. Simple past tense and past participle of tap.
tapped adj. Having a tap or taps.
tapped adj. (Card games, board games) Of a card or playing piece: used up for the current turn.
TAPPERtapper n. One who makes a tapping noise.
tapper n. A tap-dancer.
tapper n. A phone tapper or wiretapper.
TAPPETtappet n. A lever or projection which is moved by some other piece, as a cam, or intended to tap or touch something…
TAPPET n. a projection that transmits motion.
TAPPITTAPPIT adj. (Scots) crested.
TRAPPYtrappy adj. Traplike, reminiscent of a trap.
trappy adj. (Horse riding) Of a gait, short, rapid and high-stepping.
trappy adj. (Chess) Of an opening, having many traps that can be played against opponents unfamiliar with the lines.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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