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There are 18 six-letter words containing A, M, S and Z

AMAZESamazes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of amaze.
AMAZE v. to overwhelm with astonishment.
AZYMESazymes n. Plural of azyme.
AZYME n. unleavened bread, also AZYM.
HAMZAShamzas n. Plural of hamza.
HAMZA n. (Arabic) an Arab diacritical mark, also HAMZAH.
MAIZESmaizes n. Plural of maize.
Maizes prop.n. Plural of Maize.
MAIZE n. an American cereal grass.
MATZASmatzas n. Plural of matza.
MATZA n. (Yiddish) unleavened bread, esp. as eaten on Pesach, also MATSAH, MATZAH, MATZO, MATZOH.
MATZOSmatzos n. Plural of matzo.
MATZO n. (Yiddish) unleavened bread, esp. as eaten on Pesach, also MATSAH, MATZA, MATZAH, MATZOH.
MAZERSmazers n. Plural of mazer.
Mazers prop.n. Plural of Mazer.
MAZER n. a large drinking vessel of hardwood or metal.
MAZUTSmazuts n. Plural of mazut.
MAZUT n. (Russian) petroleum residue after distillation, also MAZOUT.
MIRZASmirzas n. Plural of mirza.
Mirzas n. Plural of Mirza.
MIRZA n. (Persian) a Persian title of honour.
MOTZASmotzas n. Misspelling of matzos.
MOTZA n. (Australian slang) a large amount of money, esp. a gambling win, also MOTSER.
MUZAKSMuzaks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Muzak.
MUZAK n. piped background music.
NIZAMSnizams n. Plural of nizam.
NIZAM n. (Hindi) the title of the native sovereigns of Hyderabad, in India, since 1719.
SHAZAMshazam interj. Used to indicate that a magic trick or other illusion has been performed.
SHAZAM interj. (tradename) a magic slogan.
SMAZESsmazes n. Plural of smaze.
SMAZE n. an atmospheric mixture of smoke and haze.
ZAMANSZAMAN n. (Caribbean) the rain-tree, a member of the mimosa family, also SAMAAN, SAMAN, ZAMANG.
ZAMIASzamias n. Plural of zamia.
ZAMIA n. a genus of cycads.
ZIRAMSZIRAM n. a white compound used as a fungicidal powder on vegetables and some fruit crops.
ZYMASEzymase n. (Biochemistry) Any of a group of enzymes that catalyze the fermentation of simple carbohydrates to ethanol…
ZYMASE n. an enzyme that converts sugar to alcohol and carbon dioxide.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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