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There are 18 six-letter words containing A, M, P and Y

CAMPLYcamply adv. In a camp manner.
CAMP adv. theatrical.
CHAMPYChampy prop.n. A surname.
Champy prop.n. An aquatic monster said to inhabit Lake Champlain.
Champy n. Any of a class of aquatic monsters said to inhabit Lake Champlain.
CRAMPYcrampy adj. Characterised by cramp.
CRAMPY adj. affected with cramps.
DAMPLYdamply adv. In a damp manner.
DAMP adv. moist.
GRAMPYgrampy n. (Informal, childish) grandfather.
GRAMPY n. a grandfather.
MAYHAPmayhap adv. (Archaic, rare) maybe, perhaps, possibly, perchance…
MAYHAP adv. (archaic) perhaps, also MAYHAPPEN.
MAYPOPmaypop n. A type of passionflower, purple in color (Passiflora incarnata).
MAYPOP n. the edible fruit of a passion flower, an oval yellowish berry as large as a small apple.
MIDPAYMIDPAY adj. (of an occupation, industry, etc.) paying or tending to pay more than an unskilled job but less than a high-income one.
MYOPIAmyopia n. (Pathology) A disorder of the vision where distant objects appear blurred because the eye focuses their…
myopia n. (Figurative) A lack of imagination, discernment or long-range perspective in thinking or planning.
MYOPIA n. (Greek) a visual defect, also MYOPY.
NYMPHAnympha n. (Entomology) A nymph.
nympha n. (Anatomy, now rare) Each of the labia minora.
nympha n. Each of a pair of processes in certain bivalves, to which the ends of the external ligament are attached.
PAYNIMpaynim n. (Archaic) A pagan or heathen, especially a Muslim, or a Jew.
PAYNIM n. a heathen, also PAINIM, PANIM.
PYEMIApyemia n. Alternative spelling of pyaemia.
PYEMIA n. (Greek) the presence of pus in the blood, also PYAEMIA.
PYJAMApyjama n. (Britain) attributive form of pyjamas.
PYJAMA n. a garment for sleeping or lounging, also PAJAMA.
SPAMMYspammy adj. Of, pertaining to, being, or resembling spam (junk e-mail).
SPAMMY adj. bland, unexciting.
SPYCAMspycam n. A camera, especially a webcam, used for covert surveillance.
SPYCAM n. a camera set up for hidden surveillance purposes, esp. a webcam relaying pictures to a computer.
SWAMPYswampy adj. Soggy and marshy; wet like a swamp.
swampy adj. Flowing smoothly with no harsh tones but possibly including muddy tones.
SWAMPY adj. like a swamp.
TRAMPYtrampy adj. Like a tramp or homeless person.
trampy adj. (Derogatory, of women) slutty; promiscuous.
TRAMPY adj. having the characteristics of a vagrant.
TYMPANtympan n. (Printing) A piece of cloth padding placed under the platen of a letterpress to distribute the pressure…
tympan n. (Music) The stretched membrane of a drum.
tympan n. (Music) A percussion instrument consisting of a hollow cylinder with such a membrane at each end.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 56 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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