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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing A and 3M

AMOMUMamomum n. Any of several spices of genus Amomum, family Zingiberaceae, including cardamom.
Amomum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Zingiberaceae – black cardamon and similar plants.
AMOMUM n. (Greek) a plant of the ginger family native to Asia and Africa.
HAMMAMhammam n. A communal bathhouse in Islamic countries.
HAMMAM n. (Arabic) a Turkish bath, also HUMMAUM, HUMMUM.
MAMMAEmammae n. Plural of mamma.
MAMMA n. (Latin) the milk gland, the breast.
MAMMALmammal n. An animal of the class Mammalia, characterized by being warm-blooded, having hair and producing milk…
mammal n. (Paleontology) A vertebrate with three bones in the inner ear and one in the jaw.
MAMMAL n. any of a class of warm-blooded vertebrates.
MAMMASmammas n. Plural of mamma.
MAMMA n. (Latin) the milk gland, the breast.
MAMMEEmammee n. An American fruit tree, Mammea americana.
mammee n. Its large fragrant fruit, with a thick tough ring surrounding bright yellow pulp.
MAMMEE n. a tropical plant having an edible fruit with bright yellow pulp, also MAMEE, MAMEY, MAMIE, MAMMEY.
MAMMERmammer v. (Rare) To hesitate.
mammer v. (Rare) To mumble or stammer from doubt or hesitation.
MAMMER v. (Shakespeare) to hesitate, stand muttering.
MAMMETmammet n. (Obsolete) A false god; an idol.
mammet n. A doll or puppet; a lifeless figure, an effigy, a scarecrow.
mammet n. A contemptible person; a weakling, a fool.
MAMMEYmammey n. Alternative form of mamey.
MAMMEY n. a tropical plant having an edible fruit with bright yellow pulp, also MAMEE, MAMEY, MAMIE, MAMMEE.
MAMMIEmammie n. Alternative form of mammy.
MAMMIE n. a child's name for mother, also MAMA, MAMMA, MAMMY.
MAMMONmammon prop.n. Alternative letter-case form of Mammon (wealth, material avarice).
Mammon prop.n. The desire for wealth personified as an evil spirit or a malign influence.
Mammon prop.n. Often mammon: wealth, material avarice, profit.
MARMEMMARMEM adj. as in marmem alloy, an alloy which, under the influence of temperature changes, can be changed from one condition to another and back again.
MOMMASmommas n. Plural of momma.
MOMMA n. (colloquial) mother, also MOMMY.
MUMMIAmummia n. (Historical) A medicinal preparation of mummified human flesh; mummy.
mummia n. (Historical) An embalmed corpse wrapped in linen; a mummy.
MUMMIA n. (Latin) mummy as a drug or source of pigment.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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