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There are 18 six-letter words containing A, L, S and Z

AIZLESaizles n. Plural of aizle.
AIZLE n. (Scots) hot ashes, also EASLE.
AZLONSazlons n. Plural of azlon.
AZLON n. a textile fibre made from regenerated soybean protein.
AZOLESazoles n. Plural of azole.
AZOLE n. any of various organic compounds with a five-membered ring.
BLAZESblazes n. Plural of blaze.
blazes n. (Euphemistic) hell.
blazes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blaze.
COLZAScolzas n. Plural of colza.
COLZA n. (Dutch) a variety of cabbage cultivated for its seeds, which yield an oil valued for illuminating and lubricating purposes.
GAZALSgazals n. Plural of gazal.
GAZAL n. (Arabic) a Persian or Arabic verse form, also GHAZAL, GHAZEL.
GLAZESglazes n. Plural of glaze.
glazes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of glaze.
Glazes prop.n. Plural of Glaze.
HAZELShazels n. Plural of hazel.
HAZEL n. a tree of the birch family.
LAZARSlazars n. Plural of lazar.
Lazars n. Plural of Lazar.
LAZAR n. a leper or person with similar pestilential disease.
LAZIESlazies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of lazy.
lazies n. Plural of lazy.
lazies n. (With the) Laziness; the mood or feeling of being lazy.
LAZOESlazoes n. Plural of lazo.
LAZO v. to catch with a long rope with a running noose, also LASSO, LARIAT.
LEAZESleazes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of leaze.
LEAZE n. a pasture.
PLAZASplazas n. Plural of plaza.
PLAZA n. (Spanish) a public square, e.g. in a town.
SLEAZEsleaze n. (Uncountable) Low moral standards.
sleaze n. (Informal, countable) A person of low moral standards.
sleaze n. (Informal, countable) A man who is sexually aggressive or forward with women to the point of causing disgust.
SLEAZOsleazo n. (Slang, derogatory) A sleazy person.
SLEAZO n. a sleazy person.
SLEAZYsleazy adj. Marked by low quality; inferior; inadequate.
sleazy adj. Raunchy or perverted in nature; tastelessly sexual.
sleazy adj. Untrustworthy.
VIZSLAvizsla n. Alternative form of Vizsla.
Vizsla n. A dog breed originating in Hungary.
VIZSLA n. (Hungarian) a Hungarian breed of hunting dog.
ZILLASzillas n. (India) plural of zilla.
ZILLA n. (Hindi) an administrative district in British India, also ZILA, ZILLAH.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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