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There are 17 six-letter words containing A, I and 2P

APPAIDAPPAY v. to satisfy, also APAY.
APPAIRappair v. (Transitive, obsolete) To make worse; to injure or damage.
appair v. (Intransitive, obsolete) To become impaired; to grow worse.
APPAIR v. (obsolete) to impair.
APPUISappuis n. Plural of appui.
appuis v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of appui.
APPUI v. (French) to support militarily, also APPUY.
HAPPIShappis n. Plural of happi.
HAPPI n. (Japanese) a loose Japanese coat.
KIPPAHkippah n. The cloth skullcap or yarmulke traditionally worn by male Jews.
KIPPAH n. (Hebrew) a religious skullcap, aka yarmulka, also KIPPA.
KIPPASkippas n. Plural of kippa.
KIPPA n. (Hebrew) a religious skullcap, aka yarmulka, also KIPPAH.
LAPPIElappie n. (South Africa) loincloth.
lappie n. (South Africa) dishtowel.
lappie n. (South Africa) face cloth; flannel.
NAPPIEnappie n. Alternative form of nappy…
NAPPIE n. an infant's diaper, also NAPPY.
PAPAINpapain n. (Biochemistry) A proteolytic enzyme in papaya fruit which can be used to tenderize meat.
PAPAIN n. an enzyme that digests proteins, found in papaws.
PAPYRIpapyri n. Plural of papyrus.
PAPYRUS n. (Latin) a parchment made from reeds.
PEPITApepita n. An edible seed from a pumpkin or similar squash, which may - after being roasted (and, if needed, shelled)…
pepita n. A gold nugget, or pepito.
PEPITA n. (Spanish) the edible dried seed of a pumpkin or squash.
PIPAGEpipage n. Plumbing, a system of pipes.
pipage n. A charge made for piping a fluid from one place to another.
PIPAGE n. transportation, as of petroleum oil, by means of a pipe conduit; also, the charge for such transportation, also PIPEAGE.
PIPALSpipals n. Plural of pipal.
PIPAL n. (Hindi) the bo tree, also PEEPUL, PIPUL.
PRIAPIpriapi n. Plural of priapus.
PRIAPUS n. (Greek) a representation of the phallus.
RIPRAPriprap n. An underwater bank seen as a danger to shipping.
riprap n. (Chiefly North America) Rocks or other materials used to shore up an embankment, deter or prevent erosion…
riprap v. To form a riprap in or upon.
TAPPITTAPPIT adj. (Scots) crested.
YAPPIEyappie n. (Slang) A young affluent parent.
yappie n. (Slang) A young Asian professional.
YAPPIE n. a young aspiring professional; a young affluent parent, also YAPPY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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