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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 12 six-letter words containing A, I, M and Z

MAIZESmaizes n. Plural of maize.
Maizes prop.n. Plural of Maize.
MAIZE n. an American cereal grass.
MAZHBIMazhbi n. Alternative form of Mazhabi.
MAZHBI n. (Hindi) a Sikh of low caste.
MAZIERmazier adj. Comparative form of mazy: more mazy.
MAZY adj. full of confusing turns and passages.
MAZILYmazily adv. In a mazy manner.
MAZY adv. full of confusing turns and passages.
MAZINGmazing v. Present participle of maze.
MAZE v. to bewilder.
MEZAILmezail n. Alternative form of mesail.
MEZAIL n. a visor, esp. one made in two parts, also MESAIL.
MIRZASmirzas n. Plural of mirza.
Mirzas n. Plural of Mirza.
MIRZA n. (Persian) a Persian title of honour.
MIZUNAmizuna n. One of several tangy green vegetables used in Japanese cuisine, usually Brassica rapa var. nipposinica.
MIZUNA n. (Japanese) a variety of lettuce with crisp green leaves.
NIZAMSnizams n. Plural of nizam.
NIZAM n. (Hindi) the title of the native sovereigns of Hyderabad, in India, since 1719.
UMFAZIUMFAZI n. (South African) an African married woman.
ZAMIASzamias n. Plural of zamia.
ZAMIA n. a genus of cycads.
ZIRAMSZIRAM n. a white compound used as a fungicidal powder on vegetables and some fruit crops.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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