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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 8 six-letter words containing A, I, K and Z

ADZUKIadzuki n. Either the plant or the seed of the azuki bean.
ADZUKI n. (Japanese) a kind of bean, also ADSUKI, ADUKI, AZUKI.
AZUKISAZUKI n. (Japanese) a kind of bean, also ADUKI, ADSUKI, ADZUKI.
KAIZENkaizen n. A Japanese business practice of continuous improvement in performance and productivity.
kaizen n. (By extension) Continuous improvement generally. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
kaizen v. (Transitive, business) To apply continuous improvement to (a task, or the worker who performs it).
KHAZISkhazis n. Plural of khazi.
KHAZI n. (slang) a lavatory, also KAZI, CARSEY, KARZY, KARSY, KARSEY.
PACZKIpaczki n. A traditional Polish doughnut.
pączki n. Alternative spelling of paczki.
PACZKI n. (Polish) a round, filled doughnut.
TZADIKtzadik n. Alternative spelling of tzaddik.
TZADIK n. (Hebrew) in Judaism, a Hasidic leader, or person of extraordinary piety, also TSADDIK, TSADDIQ, TSADIK, TZADDIK, TZADDIQ, ZADDICK, ZADDIK.
ZADDIKzaddik n. Alternative spelling of tzaddik.
ZADDIK n. (Hebrew) in Judaism, a Hasidic leader, or person of extraordinary piety, also TSADDIK, TSADDIQ, TSADIK, TZADDIK, TZADDIQ, TZADIK, ZADDICK.
ZAIKAIzaikai n. Collectively, the powerful and influential businesspeople and tycoons of Japan.
ZAIKAI n. (Japanese) the business community of Japan.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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