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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 13 six-letter words containing A, 2I and P

ADIPICadipic adj. (Organic chemistry) Pertaining to, or derived from, fatty or oily substances; applied to certain acids…
adipic adj. (Organic chemistry) Of, or derived from adipic acid.
ADIPIC adj. relating to animal fat, as in adipic acid.
DIAPIRdiapir n. (Geology) An intrusion of a ductile rock into an overburden.
DIAPIR n. an anticlinal fold in which the overlying rock has been pierced by material from beneath.
IMPAIRimpair v. (Transitive) To weaken; to affect negatively; to have a diminishing effect on.
impair v. (Intransitive, archaic) To grow worse; to deteriorate.
impair adj. (Obsolete) Not fit or appropriate; unsuitable.
PAINIMpainim n. Alternative spelling of paynim.
PAINIM n. (obsolete) a pagan, also PANIM, PAYNIM.
PAKIHIpakihi n. (New Zealand) A peat bog.
PAKIHI n. (Maori) acid land unfit for cultivation, also PAKAHI.
PANINIpanini n. A type of grilled sandwich made of a small loaf of bread, cut horizontally, filled with meat such as…
panini n. Plural of panino.
Panini prop.n. An ancient Indian grammarian known for codifying what came to be known as the Sanskrit language in his…
PATIKIpatiki n. (New Zealand) The flounder (fish).
PATIKI n. (Maori) the New Zealand sand flounder or dab.
PIANICPIANIC adj. pertaining to the tropical disease pian.
PIRAISpirais n. Plural of pirai.
PIRAI n. (Tupi) a ferocious, carnivorous South American fish, also PIRANHA, PERAI, PIRANA, PIRAYA.
PRIAPIpriapi n. Plural of priapus.
PRIAPUS n. (Greek) a representation of the phallus.
RAPINIrapini n. A vegetable native to China, Brassica rapa subsp. ruvo, with green spiky leaves and a bitter taste.
RAPINI n. (Italian) immature turnip plants, also RAPPINI.
SIMPAISimpai n. (Archaic) The black-crested monkey of Sumatra.
SIMPAI n. (Malay) a long-tailed monkey, native to Sumatra.
WAPITIwapiti n. (US, Canada) The American elk (Cervus canadensis). It was formerly considered to be in the same species…
WAPITI n. (Native American) a species of large deer native to North America.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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