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There are 17 six-letter words containing A, H and 2T

ATTACHattach v. (Transitive) To fasten, to join to (literally and figuratively).
attach v. (Intransitive) To adhere; to be attached.
attach v. To come into legal operation in connection with anything; to vest.
CATCHTcatcht v. (Obsolete) simple past tense and past participle of catch.
CATCH v. to capture after pursuit.
CHATTAchatta n. (India) An umbrella.
CHATTA n. (Hindi) an umbrella.
CHATTIchatti n. Alternative form of chattee (“Indian clay pot”).
Chatti n. (Historical) An ancient Germanic tribe whose homeland was near the upper Weser (Visurgis).
CHATTI n. (Hindi) an earthenware water pot, also CHATTY.
CHATTYchatty adj. (Informal) Of a person, chatting a lot or fond of chatting.
chatty adj. (Informal) Of a text or speech, expressed in a conversational style.
chatty adj. (Computing) Supplying more information than necessary; verbose.
HATTEDhatted adj. (Often in combination) Wearing a hat; wearing a specified type of hat.
hatted adj. (Typography) Written with a circumflex (’^’). For example, â.
hatted adj. (Australia, cooking) Of a restaurant or chef, awarded one or more ’hats’ (for high quality food).
HATTERhatter n. A person who makes, sells, or repairs hats.
hatter n. (Australia, slang) A person who lives alone in the bush.
hatter n. A miner who works by himself.
STAITHstaith n. (Obsolete) A shore or a riverbank.
staith n. (UK, dialect) A landing place; an elevated staging upon a wharf for discharging coal, etc., as from…
STAITH n. a wharf for the transfer of coal or ore, also STAITHE.
STRATHstrath n. (Scotland) A wide, flat river valley.
Strath prop.n. (After a qualification) University of Strathclyde, used especially following post-nominal letters indicating…
STRATH n. (Scots) a valley of considerable size, through which a river runs.
TATHEDtathed v. Simple past tense and past participle of tath.
TATH v. to manure.
TAUGHTtaught v. Simple past tense and past participle of teach.
TEACH v. to impart knowledge or skill to.
THATCHthatch n. Straw, rushes, or similar, used for making or covering the roofs of buildings, or of stacks of hay or grain.
thatch n. (Caribbean) Any of several kinds of palm, the leaves of which are used for thatching.
thatch n. A buildup of cut grass, stolons or other material on the soil in a lawn.
THETASthetas n. Plural of theta.
THETA n. (Greek) a letter of the Greek alphabet corresponding to th in English.
THREATthreat n. An expression of intent to injure or punish another.
threat n. An indication of potential or imminent danger.
threat n. A person or object that is regarded as a danger; a menace.
THROATthroat n. The front part of the neck.
throat n. The gullet or windpipe.
throat n. A narrow opening in a vessel.
THWARTthwart adj. Placed or situated across something else; cross, oblique, transverse.
thwart adj. (Figuratively, dated) Of people: having a tendency to oppose; obstinate, perverse, stubborn.
thwart adj. (Figuratively, dated) Of situations or things: adverse, unfavourable, unlucky.
TUATHStuaths n. Plural of tuath.
TUATH n. (Irish) a tribe, people.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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