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There are 16 six-letter words containing A, H, O and Y

ANYHOWanyhow adv. (Manner) In any way or manner whatever.
anyhow adv. (Conjunctive) In any case. Used to indicate that a statement explains or supports a previous statement.
ANYHOW adv. in any way whatever.
APHONYaphony n. Dated form of aphonia.
APHONY n. loss of voice.
COACHYcoachy adj. (Dated) Of a horse: more suited to drawing a coach than to racing.
coachy adj. (Informal) Of or related to coaches (trainers or instructors).
coachy n. (Slang, dated) Alternative form of coachee (“a coachman”).
HAYBOXhaybox n. A chest insulated with a layer of hay or another insulant, formerly used to keep food hot.
HAYBOX n. a box for keeping hay in, for animals to eat from.
HAYMOWhaymow n. A pile of hay stored in a barn.
haymow n. The place in a barn where hay is stored.
HAYMOW n. a mow or mass of hay laid up in a barn for preservation.
HOBDAYhobday v. To operate on the larynx of a horse in order to improve its breathing.
Hobday prop.n. A surname from Middle English.
HOBDAY v. to cure a horse's breathing impediment.
HOORAYhooray interj. Used to express approval, joy or victory.
hooray n. A shout to signify victory.
hooray n. An expression of excitement.
HORARYhorary adj. Pertaining to an hour or hours.
horary adj. Occurring every hour; hourly.
horary adj. (Obsolete) Having a duration of just an hour; short-lived.
LOATHYloathy adj. (Archaic) Loathsome.
LOATHY adj. (archaic) loathsome.
MORYAHMORYAH interj. (Irish) expressing annoyance, disbelief etc.
ONYCHAonycha n. (Obsolete) the operculum of kinds of strombus or muricid, smoked as an ingredient in the Mosaic incense…
onycha n. (Obsolete) The precious stone onyx.
ONYCHA n. (Greek) an ingredient in ancient Jewish incense; the nail-like operculum of a mollusc.
POACHYpoachy adj. Wet and soft; easily penetrated by the feet of cattle; said of land.
POACHY adj. spongy and sodden.
POCHAYpochay n. (Archaic, informal) A post chaise.
POCHAY v. to transport by post-chaise.
SHAMOYshamoy n. Obsolete spelling of chamois.
shamoy v. To prepare leather by working oil into the skin.
SHAMOY v. to prepare skins by working oil into them.
SHOALYshoaly adj. Full of shoals, or shallow places.
SHOALY adj. full of shallow areas.
YAHOOSyahoos n. Plural of yahoo.
Yahoos n. Plural of Yahoo.
Yahoos v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of Yahoo.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 59 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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