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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 16 six-letter words containing A, H, O and U

ANOUGHanough adj. Obsolete form of enough.
ANOUGH adj. enough.
AUTHORauthor n. The originator or creator of a work, especially of a literary composition.
author n. Someone who writes books for a living.
author n. (Obsolete, criminal law) Principal.
AVOUCHavouch v. To declare freely and openly; to assert.
avouch v. To acknowledge deliberately; to admit; to confess; to sanction.
avouch v. To confirm or verify, to affirm the validity of.
CACHOUcachou n. A sweet eaten to sweeten the breath.
cachou n. A small metallic ball used as edible decoration on cakes etc.
CACHOU n. (Malay) a resin used in tanning, also CATECHU, CASHOO, CUTCH, KUTCH.
CAHOUNcahoun n. Alternative form of cohune.
CAHOUN n. (Spanish) a South American palm tree, also COHUNE.
DOURAHdourah n. Alternative form of durra.
GAUCHOgaucho n. A cowboy of the South American pampas.
gaucho n. (Finance, historical) A proposed currency intended to be used by Argentina and Brazil to make interregional payments.
GAUCHO n. (Spanish) a cowboy of the South American pampas.
HAMOUShamous adj. (Obsolete) Hamose.
HAMOUS adj. hooked, also HAMOSE.
HOUDAHhoudah n. Archaic form of howdah.
HOUDAH n. (Arabic) a seat on an elephant's back, also HOWDAH.
HOUDANHoudan n. A domestic chicken of an old French breed, having an unusual butterfly-shaped comb and five toes rather…
Houdan prop.n. A commune in Yvelines, France.
HOUDAN n. (French) a type of domestic fowl.
HULLOAhulloa interj. Alternative form of hollo.
hulloa v. Alternative form of hollo.
HULLOA v. to hallo.
MAHOUTmahout n. An elephant driver and keeper.
mahout v. To drive elephants.
MAHOUT n. (Hindi) the keeper and driver of an elephant.
MOHUASmohuas n. Plural of mohua.
MOHUA n. (Maori) a small New Zealand bird with yellow head and breast.
QUAHOGquahog n. An edible clam with a hard shell found along the Atlantic Coast of North America, from species Mercenaria…
quahog n. A similar edible clam found along coasts around the North Atlantic, generally in deeper waters, the…
quahog v. (Intransitive) To dig for quahogs.
QUOTHAquotha interj. (Archaic) Forsooth; indeed.
QUOTHA interj. (archaic) an expression of surprise or contempt.
TAUHOUtauhou n. (New Zealand) A bird, the silvereye.
TAUHOU n. (Maori) a greenish-coloured tropical songbird, aka silvereye.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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