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There are 13 six-letter words containing A, H and 2M

CHAMMYchammy n. Alternative form of shammy.
chammy v. Alternative form of shammy.
CHAMMY v. to clean with a chamois.
DHAMMAdhamma n. (Buddhism) The teachings of Buddha.
DHAMMA n. (Sanskrit) custom or law regarded as duty; the basic principles of cosmic or individual existence, also DHARMA.
HAMMALhammal n. Alternative form of hamal (porter).
HAMMAL n. (Arabic) a porter in eastern countries, also HAMAL, HAMAUL.
HAMMAMhammam n. A communal bathhouse in Islamic countries.
HAMMAM n. (Arabic) a Turkish bath, also HUMMAUM, HUMMUM.
HAMMEDhammed v. Simple past tense and past participle of ham.
HAM v. to overact, also HAMBONE.
HAMMERhammer n. A tool with a heavy head and a handle used for pounding.
hammer n. The act of using a hammer to hit something.
hammer n. A moving part of a firearm that strikes the firing pin to discharge a gun.
MAHMALmahmal n. A litter or palanquin borne by a camel.
MAHMAL n. (Arabic) the empty litter sent to Mecca in the hadj.
MAIHEMmaihem n. (Obsolete, used chiefly before 1900) Alternative form of mayhem, in the sense of maiming or causing bodily harm.
MAIHEM n. maiming, malicious damage, also MAYHEM.
MAYHEMmayhem n. A state or situation of great confusion, disorder, trouble or destruction; chaos.
mayhem n. Infliction of violent injury on a person or thing.
mayhem n. (Law) The maiming of a person by depriving him of the use of any of his limbs which are necessary for…
SHAMMYshammy n. Chamois leather.
shammy n. A cloth made of this leather.
shammy v. (Transitive) To clean with a chamois leather cloth.
UMMAHSummahs n. Plural of ummah.
UMMAH n. (Arabic) the body of Muslim believers considered as one community, also UMMA.
WHAMMOwhammo interj. (Informal) Used to emphasize the suddenness of an event.
whammo n. (Informal) An action-packed scene in a film, etc.
WHAMMO n. impressive verve, also WHAMO.
WHAMMYwhammy n. A serious or devastating setback.
whammy n. An evil spell; a curse or hex.
whammy n. (Colloquialism) the vibrato system of an electric guitar, or just its lever (whammy bar).

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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