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There are 18 six-letter words containing A, H, K and T

BHAKTAbhakta n. (Hinduism) Someone who practises bhakti; a person who is devoted to God; a devotee; a worshipper.
Bhakta prop.n. A surname.
BHAKTA n. (Sanskrit) devotion to a god, as a path to salvation, also BHAKTI.
BHAKTIbhakti n. (Hinduism) devotion to God.
BHAKTI n. (Sanskrit) devotion to a god, as a path to salvation, also BHAKTA.
HAWKITHAWKIT adj. (Scots) streaked, white-faced.
JHATKAjhatka n. (Sikhism) Meat of an animal slaughtered in accordance with Sikh law.
JHATKA n. (Punjabi) the slaughter of animals for food in accordance with Sikh law.
KANTHAkantha n. A form of embroidery in parts of South Asia, used to make cushions and quilts.
KANTHA n. (Bengali) an embroidered cloth quilt.
KATHAKkathak n. One of the eight classical dance forms of India.
KATHAK n. (Sanskrit) a classical dance of India in which brief passages of mime alternate with rapid, rhythmic dance.
KHALATkhalat n. A type of native gown worn in parts of Central Asia, historically awarded as a robe of honor.
khalat n. (Historical, Judaism) A long, close-fitting coat with shawl collars and pockets, worn by Ashkenazi Jewish…
KHALAT n. (Hindi) an Indian robe of honour, also KILLUT, KELLAUT, KHILAT.
KHILATkhilat n. Alternative form of khalat.
KHILAT n. (Hindi) a robe of honour, also KELLAUT, KHALAT, KILLUT.
KHURTAkhurta n. Alternative spelling of kurta.
KHURTA n. (Hindi) a loose-fitting tunic of India, also KURTA.
KLATCHklatch n. An informal social gathering, especially one held over coffee for the purpose of conversation.
KLATCH n. (German) in North America, a coffee party or other social function, also KLATSCH, KAFFEEKLATSCH.
KUTCHAkutcha adj. Imperfect, makeshift; ramshackle, second-rate.
kutcha n. Dried brick or mud, used as a material.
KUTCHA adj. (Hindi) made of dried mud, makeshift, also KACHA, KACHCHA, KUCHCHA.
SKAITHskaith n. (Scotland, law, obsolete) Alternative form of scathe (“damage”).
SKAITH v. (Old Norse) (obsolete) to injure, also SCAITH, SCATH, SCATHE.
SKARTHSKARTH n. (Scots) a cormorant, also SCART, SKART, SCARTH.
TAKAHEtakahe n. Alternative spelling of takahē.
takahē n. A species of large flightless bird in the Rallidae family, endemic to New Zealand.
TAKAHE n. (Maori) an almost-extinct New Zealand bird, brightly colored, flightless, with a large bill.
TAKHIStakhis n. Plural of takhi.
TAKHI n. (Mongolian) a rare wild horse, also TAKI.
THACKSthacks n. Plural of thack.
THACK v. (Scots) to thatch, also THEEK, THETCH.
THANKSthanks interj. Used to express appreciation or gratitude.
thanks n. An expression of gratitude.
thanks n. Grateful feelings or thoughts.
THWACKthwack n. The act of thwacking; a strike or blow, especially with a flat implement.
thwack n. A heavy slapping sound.
thwack v. To hit with a flat implement.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 110 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 28 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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