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There are 15 six-letter words containing A, H, I and J

BHAJIAbhajia n. Plural of bhaji.
bhajia n. Alternative form of bhaji.
BHAJI n. (Hindi) in Indian cookery, an appetizer consisting of vegetables cooked in batter, also BHAGEE, BHAJEE.
BHAJISbhajis n. Plural of bhaji.
BHAJI n. (Hindi) in Indian cookery, an appetizer consisting of vegetables cooked in batter, also BHAGEE, BHAJEE.
HADJIShadjis n. Plural of hadji.
HADJI n. (Arabic) a person who has made a hadj, also HADJEE, HAJI, HAJJI.
HAJJIShajjis n. Plural of hajji.
HAJJI n. (Arabic) a person who has made a hadj, a pilgrimage to Mecca, also HADJI, HADJEE, HAJI.
HEJIRAhejira n. Alternative form of hegira.
HEJIRA n. (Arabic) the flight of Mohammed from Mecca, also HEGIRA, HEJRA, HIJRA, HIJRAH.
HIJABShijabs n. Plural of hijab.
hijābs n. Plural of hijāb.
HIJAB n. (Arabic) a covering for a Muslim woman's head and face, also HEJAB.
HIJACKhijack v. To forcibly seize control of some vehicle in order to rob it or to reach a destination (especially an…
hijack v. To seize control of some process or resource to achieve a purpose other than its originally intended one.
hijack v. (Computing) To seize control of a networked computer by means of infecting it with a worm or other malware…
HIJRAHhijrah n. Alternative form of hijra.
HIJRAH n. (Arabic) the flight of Mohammed from Mecca, also HEGIRA, HEJIRA, HEJRA, HIJRA.
HIJRAShijras n. Plural of hijra.
HIJRA n. (Arabic) the flight of Mohammed from Mecca, also HEGIRA, HEJIRA, HEJRA, HIJRAH.
JADISHjadish adj. (Of a horse) Vicious and ill-tempered, like a jade.
jadish adj. (Of a woman) unchaste.
JADISH adj. like a jade, vicious.
JAGHIRjaghir n. Alternative spelling of jagir.
JAGHIR n. (Hindi) the government revenues of a tract of land assigned with power to administer, also JAGHIRE, JAGIR.
JEHADIjehadi n. Alternative spelling of jihadi.
JEHADI n. (Arabic) one who takes part in a jehad, also JIHADI, JEHADIST, JIHADIST.
JIBBAHjibbah n. Alternative form of jubbah.
JIBBAH n. (Arabic) a long loose outer garment worn by Muslims, also DJIBBA, DJIBBAH, JUBBAH, JUBHAH.
JIHADIjihadi n. A jihadist.
jihadi adj. Pertaining to jihad or jihadism.
JIHADI n. (Arabic) one who takes part in a jehad, also JEHADI, JEHADIST, JIHADIST.
JIHADSjihads n. Plural of jihad.
JIHAD n. (Arabic) in Islam, a holy war, also JEHAD.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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