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There are 19 six-letter words containing A, G and 2M

GAMMASgammas n. Plural of gamma.
GAMMA n. (Greek) the third letter of the Greek alphabet.
GAMMEDgammed v. Simple past tense and past participle of gam.
GAM v. to visit socially between whaling ships.
GAMMERgammer n. (Obsolete) An old woman.
GAMMER n. an old woman.
GAMMESGAMME n. a musical scale.
GAMMONgammon n. A cut of quick-cured pork leg.
gammon v. To cure bacon by salting.
gammon n. (Backgammon) A victory in backgammon achieved when the opponent has not borne off a single stone.
GEMMAEgemmae n. Plural of gemma.
GEMMA n. (Latin) a bud from which a new plant can grow.
GEMMANgemman n. (Archaic) gentleman.
GEMMAN n. (archaic) a gentleman.
GIMMALgimmal n. (Obsolete) Joined work whose parts move within each other; a pair or series of interlocked rings.
gimmal n. (Obsolete) A quaint piece of machinery; a gimmer.
GIMMAL n. a pair of interlocked rings, also GIMMOR, GYMMAL.
GLAMMYglammy adj. (Informal) Having a glam style; glamorous.
glammy adj. (Informal) Having the style of glam rock.
GLAMMY adj. glamorous.
GNAMMAgnamma n. (Australia) A rock hole, capable of holding water, formed by weathering.
GNAMMA adj. as in gnamma hole, an Australian term for a natural well in rock, also GNAMMA.
GRAMMAgramma n. Alternative letter-case form of Gramma.
gramma n. (Australia) A variety of pumpkin, a cultivar of Cucurbita moschata.
gramma n. Alternative form of grama.
GRAMMEgramme n. (UK) gram (unit of mass).
-gramme suff. Alternative form of -gram.
GRAMME n. a unit of mass in the metric system, also GRAM.
GUMMASgummas n. Plural of gumma.
GUMMA n. (Latin) a syphilitic tumour.
GYMMALgymmal n. Obsolete form of gimbal.
GYMMAL n. a ring that can be divided into two or three rings, also GIMMAL, GIMMOR.
MAGISMMagism prop.n. Magianism; Zoroastrianism.
MAGISM n. the teaching of the magi.
MAGMASmagmas n. Plural of magma.
MAGMA n. the molten matter from which igneous rock is formed.
MAGNUMmagnum n. A bottle containing 1.5 liters of fluid, double the volume of a standard wine bottle.
magnum n. (Firearms) A powerful firearm cartridge, often derived from a shorter, less powerful cartridge calibre…
magnum n. (By extension) A handgun that fires a cartridge of this calibre; chiefly a revolver, but rarely an autoloader…
MALMAGmalmag n. (Zoology) The tarsier.
MALMAG n. a nocturnal lemuroid monkey of the East Indies, aka tarsier.
SMEGMAsmegma n. A whitish sebaceous secretion that collects between the glans penis and foreskin or in the vulva.
SMEGMA n. (Latin) fatty matter secreted by glands, also SEBUM.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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