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List of 6-letter words containing

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There are 14 six-letter words containing A, 2G and T

BAGGITbaggit n. A salmon that has just spawned.
BAGGIT n. (Scots) a ripe female salmon who has retained her eggs.
FAGGOTfaggot n. (Chiefly Britain, collective) A bundle of sticks or brushwood intended to be used for fuel tied together…
faggot n. (Obsolete) Burdensome baggage.
faggot n. A bundle of pieces of iron or steel cut off into suitable lengths for welding.
GADGETgadget n. (Obsolete) A thing whose name cannot be remembered; thingamajig, doohickey.
gadget n. Any device or machine, especially one whose name cannot be recalled. Often either clever or complicated.
gadget n. (Informal) Any consumer electronics product.
GARGETgarget n. (Obsolete) The throat.
garget n. An inflammation on a cow’s or sheep’s udder.
garget n. A distemper in pigs accompanied by staggering and loss of appetite.
GATINGgating v. Present participle of gate.
gating n. An arrangement of gates.
GATING n. punishment by gating, keeping in.
GEOTAGgeotag v. (Internet, transitive) To augment (photographs or other items) with metadata indicating a geographic location.
GEOTAG n. a digital code that assigns geographical co-ordinates to an item of data.
GEOTAG v. to assign a geotag to.
LOGGATloggat n. (Obsolete) A small log or piece of wood.
loggat n. (Obsolete, in the plural) An old game in England, played by throwing pieces of wood at a stake set in the ground.
LOGGAT n. a small log or piece of wood.
MAGGOTmaggot n. A soft, legless larva of a fly or other dipterous insect, that often eats decomposing organic matter.
maggot n. (Derogatory) A worthless person.
maggot n. (Now archaic, regional) A whimsy or fancy.
RAGTAGragtag adj. Unkempt, shabby, or in a state of disrepair.
ragtag adj. Very diverse; having irregular and dissimilar components.
ragtag n. A shabby, unkempt person.
STAGGYstaggy adj. Resembling or characteristic of a stag.
STAGGY adj. having the appearance of a mature male.
TAGGEDtagged adj. Having a tag; labeled.
tagged adj. (Graffiti) Having been marked with the signature graffiti of an individual.
tagged v. Simple past tense and past participle of tag.
TAGGEEtaggee n. One who is tagged.
TAGGEE n. a person wearing an electronic tag.
TAGGERtagger n. One who or that which tags.
tagger n. A device for removing taglocks from sheep.
tagger n. That which is pointed like a tag.
TAGRAGtagrag n. Alternative form of tag-rag.
tag-rag n. (Obsolete) The lowest class of people; the rabble.
TAGRAG n. riffraff.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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