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There are 17 six-letter words containing A, F, M and S

FAMISHfamish v. (Obsolete, transitive) To starve (to death); to kill or destroy with hunger.
famish v. (Transitive) To exhaust the strength or endurance of, by hunger; to cause to be very hungry.
famish v. (Transitive) To kill, or to cause great suffering to, by depriving or denying anything necessary.
FAMOUSfamous adj. Well known.
famous adj. In the public eye.
famous v. (Transitive, obsolete) To make famous; to bring renown to.
FANUMSFANUM n. (Latin) a cape worn by the pope, also FANO.
FAVISMfavism n. (Medicine) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency: an X-linked recessive genetic condition that…
FAVISM n. an acute type of anaemia in which haemolysis is precipitated by contact with broad beans.
FEMALSfemals n. Plural of femal.
FEMAL n. (Milton) a female.
FLAMESflames n. Plural of flame.
flames v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flame.
FLAME v. to burn brightly.
FLAMMSFlamms prop.n. Plural of Flamm.
FLAMM n. (archaic) a custard, also FLAN, FLAUNE, FLAWN.
FLEAMSfleams n. Plural of fleam.
FLEAM n. a lancet for bleeding horses.
FORAMSforams n. Plural of foram.
FORAM n. one of the Rhizopoda, amoebae moving and taking in food with pseudopods, also FORAMINIFER.
FRAIMSfraims n. Plural of fraim.
FRAIM n. (Scots) a stranger, also FREMD, FREMIT.
FRAMESframes n. Plural of frame.
frames v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of frame.
FRAME v. to enclose in a border.
FUSUMAfusuma n. A vertical rectangular sliding panel, often painted or decorated, used in Japan as a door or movable wall.
FUSUMA n. (Japanese) a sliding door.
MAFIASmafias n. Plural of mafia.
MAFIA n. (Italian) a secret criminal organization, also MAFFIA.
MAFICSmafics n. Plural of mafic.
MAFIC n. a generally dark-colored igneous rock with significant amounts of one or more ferromagnesian minerals.
MASSIFmassif n. A principal mountain mass.
massif n. A block of the earth’s crust bounded by faults or flexures and displaced as a unit without internal…
MASSIF n. (French) a principal mountain mass.
SAMFOOsamfoo n. Archaic form of samfu.
SAMFOO n. (Chinese) an outfit worn by Chinese women, also SAMFU.
SAMFUSsamfus n. Plural of samfu.
SAMFU n. (Chinese) an outfit worn by Chinese women, also SAMFOO.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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